I custom ordered these new turn out suspenders from a firefighter who does leather work as a side job. He is great priced and his work is awesome!! I am so happy with how they turned out! Go check out Firefighter Jakes Leather on Facebook!
I seriously am so in love with my new oven. The other night I had pork chops on the griddle, zucchini in the oven and mashed potatoes boiling on the stove. It was too cold outside to cook on the grill. I cooked it all in one spot!!
Chris had asked for this for dinner because he had been craving it so I had it almost done and just started making the gravy for him while he was on his way home from work when we got paged out. I turned off everything and called him from the squad. He was just turning down the road to the house. He turned it all back on and was just finishing it up when he had to leave for a few minutes to go help someone. By the time he finished doing that he got called into work just as I was getting home. He spent 3 hours unplugging a sewer line in Logan. He at least got yummy left overs for lunch the next day at work ha!
We have been doing a lot of shooting on the days its not too cold or windy outside.
K took this one while I was practicing my long shots. I think its cool how well my bow blends into the trees,
Except Im going to have to start shooting with an arm guard ha! For some reason the last two shoots on the long (60+ yard) shots I keep smacking my arm with the string. I did it at the Timp shoot on an 85 yard shot and then the next week at Hardware on a 65 yard shot. Same exact place on my arm one week apart!
I also shot my highest score ever at leagues. It was so scary! I started shooting decent and kept shooting good and kept shooting good. My heart was racing. I knew where I was roughly shooting score wise and I was so worried I was going to screw it up and drop my score. I made it 5 shots after 5 shots and didnt throw up or pass out haha! I was surprised between my heart pounding and me shaking I made it through the last 4 rounds. I cant believe I shot a 296 with 29 x's! A perfect score is a 300
Thursday Moms bow came into the archery shop in Preston that we go through. She came down early to my house to pick me up and I was just getting in the shower. As soon as I stepped out of the shower the pager went off for a medical. I told her you know we're gonna have to go (there arent a lot of people around during the day) so I hurried and got dressed, no make up, threw my hair in a wet bun and we headed to the station. We took care of the medical, came back to my house so I could finish getting ready. Just as we were walking out the door Elysha and Macee pulled up. We all road tripped together to go get Moms bow. She ordered one just like mine. I found these pictures on my phone the next day.
Well since I am the cool trend setter apparently, Chris decided he wanted pink bunker suspenders too only he one upped me and ordered a pink radio harness as well. He loves to be a guy wearing pink. His took only about a week from the time he ordered them and they turned out awesome!
Oh hey look more archery stuff.. making new arrows
Chris and Taylor and Zack had an impromptu bromance night.
Saturday was a busy busy day! We have spent the last 2 days getting our camper ready for the upcoming week. Weve been stocking it, getting everything ready and in place for its first maiden voyage. We also spent all day working around the house. I finally finished my archery range. We can shoot out to 85 yards!
Weve had this big tire in the backyard since we moved in. It was left by the old owners and Ive wanted to hang a target in it forever. Chris has been totally against the idea so this weekend I just did it ha! I love it and it turned out pretty nice! It keeps the bag higher and you can roll it around to move it.

My course was all finished. We have had this big pile of rocks in the backyard for a while so I finally just stuck the mountain goat in it. I repainted the goat and filled in some broke parts on the legs and got him ready to shoot.
We had the axles flipped on our camper a few weeks ago and it made it a little higher. We needed a 4 step for the front door and then Chris built a portable step for an addition just in case. When the camper is leveled it wont be as high.
We also were tinkering with some things and Chris fixed Todd and Janas generator on theirs. Kennedy helped of course. She was the tool holder and kept the creeper warm for dad.
After we left Todd and Janas we ran into Doug. We started talking about what we were doing in the backyard and how we needed a pile of rocks moved (the ones the goat was on) so he said well when I get back from coffee I'll bring my dump truck over if you can find something to load it with we will haul it off. Doug kinda likes me and knew Id been wanting the pile moved for a LONG time so he made Chris do it that night haha!
We borrowed Zacks tractor and took two dump truck loads full off!
Of course we had to take down my course I just made hours before.. but thats ok because we have another target to add to it now too :)
Now its all nice and level! It looks so much better! Unfortunately it was too cold and dark to put the goat and lion up that night.
All day Sunday (Easter) I have to work. And by all day I mean from 6am to 6pm. Thankfully the Easter bunny found us before we left. Kennedy got a new soccer ball and some candy. Plus a new 'trailer drinking cup' that shes been asking for. The EB brought Chris and I a new game for the camper and our favorite treats!