My friend Sarita had to go to work for a meeting today and needed someone to watch her son Alex
So he came over to play!
Kennedy just loves him
Shes always asking to go to that boy named Alex's house
They watched The Polar Express
Her and her daughter....
Kennedy kept trying to talk Alex into marrying 'her daughter' because he was the boy!
He wasnt having any of that!
Had some Mac and Cheese
Capri Suns and finished Polar Express
Then they played and played and played!
They were so well behaved
They had so much fun together!
No fighting
No whinning
and they picked up their toys!
I had to get a picture of the two of them in the hats Sarita had made them
Alex's is a frog
I had to drop of Kennedy at her dads and needed to stop in at my parents and get Kennedys pants
My dad, mom and Dennis just got home from pheasant hunting and were breasting birds on the tailgate
I wasnt too sure what Alex would think
Its not exactly something hes used to
Dennis showed him one of the birds and he just stood there starring at it watching them
When we got into the car I asked him what he thought about that
He said "That was fun! That was so cool!"
haha glad to know it didnt scare him!
We were in the car about 5 minutes headed to his house and he was asleep
We pulled into his driveway and he was completely gone!
Cute little boy just got worn out!

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