Tuesday was any normal day
Chris and I had just gotten home from work
We were waiting for Kennedy's dad to come pick her up and trying to decide what to do with our free night
We were just relaxing in the living room when Chris's pager went off
The batteries were dying as the tones started so we didn't hear the page
He went upstairs and put new batteries in it
Came back down and sat on the couch
We were talking about something I cant even remember with his pager chattering in the background
All of a sudden Chris jumps off the couch in a panic
He's looking for his shoes and I can tell just by how he got up something is wrong
He gets excited for calls.. but this was so different
I asked him what was wrong as he was running full speed out the door
He managed to get the words "My uncle" out as he slammed the door and I heard his truck fire up
His sister had just left our house not 10 minutes before
I called her and she headed back to Brigham
I told her I would take the baby and she could go meet Chris
I drove to the hospital (we live like 1/2 a block from there) figuring I would see the ambulance come in before Ashley drove past
The ambulance never showed up
I knew it was bad then
I didnt know if it was Chris's aunt or uncle.. or what had happened. His Aunt has had a lot of health problems lately.
He just talked to his uncle the other day and he was fine
I headed to his uncles house to meet them and caught Ashley on the way
The ambulance was still there and so were a bunch of officers
Everyone was out on the front lawn
Chris had tears streaming down his face
His uncle Rees had passed away
He started not feeling well over the weekend
Took a nap on the couch and never woke up
Todd (Chris's dad and Rees's Brother) was in California on a business trip scheduled to come in that night
Dusty (Rees's son) was in Idaho at a fire training and not due home for a week
I learned a few things this day
#1 it pays to have friends in high places
A certain person with a fair amount of power.. got a hold of Idaho State Police because Dusty's phone was in a bad service area..Had them show up at his motel as he was getting back with strict instructions he did not drive. The hotel packed his things for him into his truck. The ISP drove him to the airport and promised to keep an eye on his State fire truck left in Idaho.
Jana had some connections too and with in less than 10 minutes had him a flight booked from Boise to home. There was one seat left on the plane
The ISP got him to the airport, took him through security and the plane was held for him to make it on
It was less than 1 hour from the time he got the call until he was on the plane flying to Utah
Dusty and Todd's flights came in with 20 minutes of each other and Todd boarded before Dusty even had a ticket arranged
This same person drove to the airport and picked them up waiting for them in baggage claim.. because have two stubborn Richards men who are distraught is best left to be handled by someone with a tazer and cuffs just in case
He was able to get them home in a very timely manner from when their plane landed
The second thing I learned was women who marry Richards men are strong and united
It was amazing to see the strength between them all
His widow was taken care of
Food ordered and picked up
Bags packed
Husbands taken care of
It was very calm, everyone wanted to help and took on tasks
One point I just stood back in awe and watched
The third thing I learned.. which I kind of knew..but this reinforced is I have became a part of an incredible family
From day one when I met them, EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of Chris's family.. whether it be his moms side or his dads side, or Jana's side has treated Kennedy and I like we were born into them
Its kind of a different spot to be.. we aren't married yet.. and I've not met a lot of the family.. Ive known Dusty, Nickie and their family forever.. but where are my lines when it comes to supporting Chris.. but not intruding on family things planning or being a part of a funeral
Well with them there are no lines
Everything Chris went to I did too and they were happy to see me
Chris went to the mortuary to be part of the planning and I was told to go too
There was no part that I wasn't included in because I was family
I didn't expect that
They are amazing people but this is a tough time for them and I honestly planned on just kind of giving them space and showing support not wanting to intrude
Chris and his uncle were very close
He was his little shadow since about the time Chris could walk
Hes the reason why Chris joined the fire department
He taught him so much about hunting, trapping, sprinklers, fire, equipment and everything you can think of
Chris's dad is number one in his eyes.. but man it sure is almost a tie between Todd and Rees to him
I dont think there was one time we ran into Rees that he didnt have one of his grand kids with him
That man went everywhere with at least one of them
Friday night was the viewing
Chris and his Todd were dressed in their whites
Rees had served over 38 years with Brigham City Volunteer Fire
20 years with Search and Rescue and
Was a member of the Fireman's Association still
among many of the other things he had served on or accomplished in life
He got a fireman's funeral
Chris was part of the Honor Guard who stood guard over the funeral at the viewing
Talk about a heartbreaking thing
This is where I learned thing #4
Chris is an incredibly strong, amazing, beautiful person with a heart of gold
Watching him stand next to the mans casket that he looked up to, that he emulated, that he adored; straight faced and trying his hardest to hold back tears so that he could show the proper respect did me in
I was a bawling mess
Dusty's son, Cody, I call Chris Jr because well he is
As Chris got older these last few years and worked more Cody filled his place
Cody acts like Chris. Looks like him. Walks like him. Has that same attitude and smirk
Cody took Chris's place with Rees and was very close to him
Watching Chris with Cody, holding him, crying with him, taking him under his wing was a testament of what an incredible person he is
His heart is broken.. but yet hes STILL trying to take care of others
He was extra loving to Kennedy and I this week
I expected short tempers and moodiness
Instead I got more hugs and kisses
More cuddling
More talking
Saturday was the funeral
The same day as the Be a girl shoot
Todd is VP of Brigham Bowmen and wasnt able to go in his dress or shoot
Chris showed up for a minute to support me while I shot
I took the first line to hurry and get in before all the funeral stuff started
There was the family viewing
Honor Guard with the casket
Changing guards every 15 minutes
Saluting the casket
Saluting each other
Fire departments from all over showed up in best dress with fire trucks
Almost every single flower arrangement there was from a fire dept or state agency
Walking down the halls of the church to go into the viewing you walked past a line of firemen standing at each entrance
Several fire trucks were parked out front
This was the one to carry the casket
The services were very good
Chris gave a talk
I was so proud of him
It was so very hard for him to do
As the services were over they had the family walk out with the casket
Firemen and EMS lined the hallways saluting
They took the casket outside and loaded it on the fire truck
Todd and Chris are standing on the back of the fire truck
Cody got to ride in front of the truck and so did Hunter
They drove through town, past the fire station where other dept were parked saluting with their lights flashing
Over two blocks were lined with fire trucks and ambulances, lights flashing, in the procession
It was so very nice to see my guys from Willard Fire there supporting
I was very proud
As we entered the cemetery they had the ladders holding the flag with firemen saluting

They unloaded the casket and carried it to the site
Chris, Todd, Hunter and Cody were all pallbearers
They did the last call over the radio
The last call has to be one of the most heart wrenching things ever
I dont know if its because my dads a fireman, Chris and his dad are both firemen, I used to be a firefighter. Ive grown up with firemen, ems personell and cops as friends my whole life, Im a dispatcher, Ive had to do a last call, Ive had to be at work when an officer was killed.. or what but man oh man it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep a dry eye or even semi composed
They did all the tones. Last call. Bagpipes started
Then three firemen in full packs started walking across the snow
Two firemen stop and kneel
The one in the center continues on and walks off into the distance until you cant see him anymore
Then the bagpipes walk off and follow the firemen until you cant hear his music anymore
So symbolic
So humbling
It was a great service
A lot of respect, honor and support was shown
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