Monday, January 7, 2013

Morning with Kennedy

This was my conversation this morning while taking Kennedy to the babysitters

You have my blanket in the car for me! Yay! Now I can sleep. You just made my whole morning mom!

You should work at an airport
Me: Why??
Because then you could drive a plane!
Me: Only pilots can fly planes
Well be a pilot then
Me: But mom would have to be gone a lot to fly the plane and not home as much
Hmm.. well when there is another pilot to fly the plane then you could come home. It would be ok. But I am glad you work at dispatch instead

My tummy hurts. The cinnamon bears I ate last night are making my tummy hurt today
Me: Sweetie your belly isnt hurting from cinnamon bears from last night.. maybe its hungry this morning
Nope. Its the cinnamon bears I know it

My legs aren't as long as they used to be!??
Me: Yes they are Kennedy
NO! They're not! My legs aren't as long as they were before!
Me: Yes they are. Your legs are longer than they were before.
Oh yea huh

I didn't sleep at all last night. I layed awake in bed all night
Me: What were you doing? Playing?
No I was looking at my door thinking about opening it in case I needed to puke
Me: But you didnt need to puke? You weren't even sick
No but I might have needed to open my door if I would have gotten sick 

I want to make a present when I get home Tuesday
Me:Ok what do you want to make?
Hmmm I want to make a birthday just cause happy new year present

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