Friday, June 7, 2013

157 - Pkrs Bday

June 6th was Parker bums 5th birthday!
The first and so far only boy in our clan!

We took him some presents during the day since I had to work that night
Afterwards Kennedy and I had to do some running in town
We ended up having some time to kill before I had to go to work and there was no point driving back home so we decided to have lunch at one of her favorite places
It was busy in there
We picked a table in the back kind of away from everyone
Sometimes I forget Kennedys such a good kid
We sat down to eat.. she knows she cant go play..she has to eat her complaining and act like a big kid
I was SO ANNOYED with the hellion children there
Screaming, whinning, running around, not eating, complaining, screeching
It was ridiculous
AND to make it worse all these parents were coddling the kids 
Giving into them
LETTING them behave like that
LETTING them walk all over them as parents
I know kids will be kids to a point
but you sit down , eat and if you eat it all you can go play and if you whine or complain its over
I was so proud of my peanut
She said please and thank you
She ate her food
No screeching
No throwing a tantrum 
AND we had fun
We talked and enjoyed lunch 
She told me she was having so much fun and it was a great day that just kept getting better
Since she was so good we stopped and got ice cream too :)

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