Super Bowl we all went over to Todd and Janas. I worked until 4pm and met everyone there. We had so much stinking food! Pretty much everyone minus Jana and Jimmy in this family (both sides) are a Broncos fan. Jana is a 49ers and Jimmy is a Cowboys. So since the 49ers were beat by the Seahawks she of course was cheering for the Broncos. It was such a sucky game! Its a good thing we had good food!!

Kennedy and her friend Ash did so well at archery. They both hit the target at the same time! Way to go girls!
Kennedy comes walking downstairs and has this lump under her shirt. I had her pull it up and shes got a nerf pistol tucked in her waist band...and on the other side she had a glove full of bullets. I couldnt stop laughing.
We had parent teacher conference. They had a picture they drew that was to show something they wanted... I had Kennedy explain hers to me. Its her Great Great Grandma Barton in heaven (in her casket) with angels. Her dream is that she hopes she has fun in heaven and enjoys it.
My parents were out of town in Vegas for an archery shoot. We picked up Chico to let him spend the day at our house so he wasnt home alone. He gave me the sad eyes and I fell for he came to our house. Kennedy tried to pull him around in his basket and he wanted nothing to do with it
His favorite place to be is in the basket in front of the fire place
He was so happy to have people to play with for the day. He curled up in my lap and took a nap
We are prepping some things outside when we have decent weather to get ready for summer. I cannot wait to have my chicken coop, garden and fire pit! One thing Chris is doing is moving the dog run. He is taking half this shed thing we have in the back and making half a chicken coop (where the wood is currently stored at) and the other half will be a dog run. Then where the dog run is we will set up a awning and make it so we can back right in and unload the wood with out having to drive on the grass. He spent the day tearing out parts of the dog run side, adding a wall, filling in some gaps and closing it out. He has more to do and will move the chain link over once the ground isnt frozen to complete it.
This door was taken out
This is pretty much what it looked like when it started. The ends where the railroad ties are on the ground now will be opened up and the chain link will run out that side for the open part.
It was cold outside while he was working on it! Snowing in the mountains
The inside was full of all kinds of wasps nests
Putting up his door
Tank loved it. He ran around non stop wanting to play fetch
I sat inside where he was working all bundled up and on a bale of straw trying to hide from the wind.
Where he took out the door and is adding a wall
Working on enclosing the inside
What he got done for the day. Door put in. Sides put up. Used a lot of the spare wood to fill in the holes. We still have more to go but it didnt cost anything! Everything was left over wood we had laying around
Good job honey! It will look great when its finished.
Here is the other side that will soon be the chicken coop when we can move the dog run to move the wood!
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