Never in my life have I had blonde hair. I looked in the mirror other day and I have this big patch of new growth.. all blonde!!!
We have had SO much rain lately. Wednesday Kennedy had her very first field trip. They went to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden. I was working. This was the weather outside!!! She was so excited they got to ride a bus and take a lunch. Thankfully she still had fun even though it was pouring.
We've been trying to go on walks at night as a family (weather permitting)
Someday these will be great blackmail. Shes a zombie
Kennedy had a school program on Thursday. She had to be best dressed so she got a new outfit. This kid is in another growth spurt and has outgrown everything! Her shoes are 13s and her clothes are 7/8 already. We put her sandals on and she said "Wow these are SOOOOO fancy! Are they from like way back in 1988????"

Miss K's program outfit
They sang all kinds of songs. She lasted about .25 seconds before she was bored and making faces. She walked in waving and kept waving about half the time to us. Todd, Jana and JaNeale came to watch with Chris and I
Kennedy and Rue have been playing outside a lot rain or shine. You can see what a muddy mess half our backyard is.
We finished up the chicken coop this week.. besides the outside wire we need to put up but its too cold for them out be outside anyways.
They are officially moved into their new home!
We got even MORE rain
Saturday we went to JaNeale and Jimmys for Mothers Day. She wanted Chris to do some sprinkler and yard work. Kennedy and I stayed inside where it was warm and watched Frozen. She knows every song and is always singing it. She gets pretty dramatic. Its hilarious
Kennedy has been making sure we have fresh flowers in the house. When the old ones die she brings in new ones and gives them new water
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