Friday Chris was out on a wildland fire in Grouse Creek with Taylor and a few others. Kennedy and I had been hanging out. She was upstairs cleaning her room and I was taking a nap on the couch under the a/c. It was fabulous. The pager went off for Perry First Responders and Brigham Fire to respond on a structure fire. The address they gave makes Willard their 2nd engine in for additional help. With Brigham going full time they only have enough people to staff 1 engine and don't have volunteers to page anymore to respond. I figured they would probably be paging us so I called my mom to see if she was around. She was at home and just getting ready to go to the store. I asked her if she could come hang out with K for a minute because I was pretty sure they were going to page us. Seconds after I hung up the phone with her they paged Willard. I hurried and threw on some socks, I was just in shorts and a tshirt. I yelled to Kennedy I was going on a fire and Grandma was on her way. We live seriously 4 blocks from my parents. My mom was already in the car on the way down. She came running down stairs yelling "NO! You cant leave me home alone! Im a kid! You cant do that to kids!!!" I told her again Grandma is on the way she will be here in seconds, finish cleaning your room Im just heading out to the car and by the time I leave she will be in the driveway. She followed me out to the car barefoot and jumped in. She was fine with waiting in the car at the station or at the fire station.. but not at the house. Seriously kid. I think she just didnt want to miss the excitement!
We hopped in the engine and headed to the fire. It just so happened that one of our friends, who works for a local newspaper and is in the archery club was there taking pictures for her job. So she took all these and sent them to me! How sweet is that! This is what the house looked like when we got there.
I hurried and suited up to go inside.

They had just sent a crew inside and we were to help on the back of the house. So the Chief and I took a line out and hit some fire through the windows
We set up a ventilation fan at the front of the house, killed the utilities and kept a supply line at the back of the house. Brigham had their big ladder truck with the bucket and were working on ventilating the roof once the fire was more knocked down. At this point the Chief and I put on our masks and headed inside to spray while they cut holes in the roof above us.
Here we were just getting our masks on to go inside
That was the first structure fire I have gotten to go inside on. Lets face it.. we really dont have that many in Willard and the ones I have had we didnt enter on because they werent safe. I was pretty stoked about it even though I didnt have much live flame by the time I got to go in.
After that we came back out. Most the fire was out at this point and it was just finishing up things.
We were on scene there a while and as we were in the engine headed back to the station we got a call for a fire alarm in Willard just by my house... so we headed there. It ended up being a house flooding from a water leak. So we spent 2 hours shop-vacing a house full of water to help out the owners, pulling lights and fans that had water flowing through them.. in our turnouts in a hot muggy basement by flashlight since we had to cut the power. It had flooded all 3 levels, through the ceilings, through the walls, into the carpets, all over. I was exhausted by the time we were done. My mom had picked up Kennedy just before 3 and I didnt pick her up til after 8. I was hot, sweaty and exhausted! Plus I still had to go over and get stuff ready for the hike Todd and I were leaving on at 5 that next morning. Thankfully Jana ordered us pizza when Todd and I got back from the fire alarm. I had just enough time to shower before it was time to eat. Chris and Taylor were still out on the fire and didnt get home til after 9. I worked and sweated my butt off that day!
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