Sunday, July 6, 2014

Week 27-Patriotic Program, End of swim lessons and Pen Pal

Sunday when I got off work Chris was splitting firewood at his parents house. 
 He made it home a little before I did and text me to say "Taylor wants to go on a 4 wheeler ride..wanna go?" I said sure I'll be home in just a minute! Well I got there and it was a trick! Chris didnt feel well at all and told me Taylor wanted to go but he wasnt going so I could take K and the wheeler and go. Kennedy wanted to keep playing with the puppies so Taylor and I went. We had to drop something off at my moms and when we stopped there Liz and Kyle wanted to go with us. So we all headed off for a little ride.

On the way back we ran into Kyle F. and Dom out on the 3 wheeler. We sat and visited with them for a few minutes at my parents house and then went home. Right after that is when Chris got paged on the fire. Miraculously the tones healed his tummy and he was good to go fight fire with his dad and Taylor.

Wednesday was a crazy day. We both worked. Kennedy spent all day at the pool with her babysitter. We had a 6 o clock softball game in 100 degree weather with the field facing west.. It was SO hot. We did really well! We were exhausted and drained by the last inning and let them score like 6 runs but we still won. From there we had to rush to Willard where the Patriotic Program was starting at7. Kennedy really wanted to be in it since the graduating Kindergarten kids were singing songs they had learned during the year. They were group #11. We got there about 730 and thankfully they were only to act 3. Todd and Jana had came to our softball game to cheer us on and then Todd went to a meeting in Brigham and Jana came with Chris, K and I to the program.  Mom had us seats saved already. The kids sang 3 songs

 Kennedy was totally into it this time. She loved it.
 Mom, Jana and I stayed for the rest of the program. Chris left to go over to the fire station and help get the pigs in the ground to cook for the 3rd. They had some great acts! Some made us laugh. Some had us in tears. My favorite part of the program is when they have all the veterans come up on stage and say who they are and what branch they served in and where. I love our little home town program so much! I told Jana shes now officially a Willard Citizen since shes attended. 
 That night when we got home Kennedy had gotten a letter in the mail. One of my friends wanted her daughter to start getting some mail and thought it would be fun to have other kids her age write letters to each other over the summer. We didnt tell Kennedy about it until she got her letter.

She was pretty excited!
 Thursday was K's last day of swim lessons and the end of her session. No more until next year. My mom came to watch. Kennedy had to show her how she can go down the big slide. She did it with out a a life jacket! I was so proud of her

 Her teacher helped her swim to the side of the pool and Kennedy was climbing back up the slide ready to do it again

 She passed level 2B and is ready for 3 next year! Good job peanut!
 Smartasses made me guide markers for the trail... at least I know they want me to come back ha!
Kennedy and I colored rainbows and suns on our back steps Saturday night. She loves chalk!

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