While we were in the hospital Kennedy spent the time at Liz's house. The night we came home my mom took all the older grandkids to see Night at the Museum 2. They said it was really cute.
Chris found his hat he was wearing when he got shot. He put it on and the BB marks in his head are right around the curve of his brim. He didnt have any wounds where his hat was.
That Wednesday on Christmas Eve he was feeling well enough to go out for a little bit. We headed up to the club where he got shot at. He wanted to go talk with Grant the owner and let him know he was ok. They had talked once on the phone but he wanted to show him in person he was alright. Grant met us when we pulled in and he was in tears. He was so happy to see Chris was ok and alive. He really is a super nice guy and runs a great business up there. We filled another prescription for his eye and it was naptime. This is how we spent most of our days at home.
Christmas Eve we had dinner at Todd and Janas house. Kennedy spent most the time watching for Santa out the window.
We came home and JaNeale and Jimmy were over to visit and see Chris and Kennedy.
From then Zack and Zeb came over to drop off presents too. From the day we got home our house was a complete revolving door. We had several different groups of people at our house at the same time. Miss K opened up her Christmas Eve PJs, wrote a note for Santa to go with the cookies and headed off to bed.
Friday Chris's eye was looking so much better. He was able to open it a lot more and most of the swelling was gone.
Mom felt bad about getting Kennedy the wrong poster and stopped by with a new Frozen one for her. We hung both posters in her room. I have officially put a boy band poster in my daughters room.. sigh it begins.

Grandma and Grandpa Evans came over to bring K her Christmas presents since we didnt make it into their house on Christmas day. Tammy and Steve also stopped by to bring her one too.. at the same time as Grandma and Grandpa. We would just laugh when people knocked on our door. It was great and dont for one second let us fool you into thinking we didnt appreciate it.
We had planned a party a few weeks ago for the day after Christmas with some friends. Well we were going to cancel it after recent events but Chris said he still wanted to see everyone so we let them know it was still on but it was going to be pretty low key. We had a viewing to go to that evening. JP's dad had died the same time Chris got shot. We went over and were first in line for the viewing and then came back home to get ready. I wanted a picture with him.. you can tell he was feeling a little better because this is what I got.
We had a nice quiet relaxing night with a lot to eat!
We did our annual girls picture
Kristin, MarDee, Elysha, Macee, Me, Liz and Natalie
Then the boys did one.. only they were smartasses and closed their right eye so Chris didnt feel awkward. What good friends we have ha!
Zack, Brandon, Matt, Christian, Taylor and Chris
and of course we had to have a group one.

Kennedy was so excited because Kinlie and Parker were there. They had plates full of food and played non stop upstairs.
I finally got a chance to catch up on some blogging on Saturday. Just as I was doing this I got a text.
Sunday we went to the store and I bought a new tote for all Kennedys stuff. One of those 3 drawer ones. She can put all her Barbie and Monster high dolls and accessories in one drawer. All her doll clothes in the 2nd and all her smaller toys in the 3rd one. Then just have dolls and stuffed animals in her toy box. Thought it would help cut down on all the little toys all over and small ones in the bottom of the box. I took a genius idea from my sister and we glued all the little pieces onto the dolls. Shoes, tiaras etc so they arent ALL OVER.
Sunday night we were asleep around 10. About 1130 you hear that awful sound no mom wants to hear..The vomiting and running down the stairs noise. I yelled to her as I was getting up "You didnt throw up in the bed did you?" Chris who is dead asleep answers back "No I didnt!" I go check the damage. Poor peanut is in the bathroom just puking her guts out. She had it down the stairs, at the top landing of the stairs, at her doorway, somehow all over the side of that brand new plastic tote I filled with toys and in the bottom drawer of it, and at the side of her bed where she had set up her farm animals with their little fence and toys all around it. I gathered up supplies and was running some hot water with dish soap in it when she came out crying saying "Youre not mad at me mommy are you?" Oh of course not honey! We stripped her down and made her a bed in the bathroom and I went to cleaning. Dont forget the fact I made her finish her dinner (broccoli cheese soup) so that she could have dessert of ice cream and lava cake which she washed down with milk... As Im cleaning Chris wakes up and comes out to help me. Not even a complaint as we are opening windows and cleaning up the best we can. Hes such a great dad! Poor Miss K threw up all night long and all morning long. I got some Zofran in her and she finally stopped. She didnt have a fever or anything else.
After she didnt throw up for an hour I let her go back upstairs where she slept and watched movies. She at about three bites of ramen noodles and that was it for the day. She stayed in bed all day long. That night she didnt want dinner and wanted to sleep in the bathroom again. We gave her another half a zofran and some more Sprite and made her another bed in the bathroom and put her to bed. She still felt awful this morning when she woke up.
I go from all week helping take care of Chris and worrying about him to a sick puking kid I am worrying about and having to leave them both and go back to work on Tuesday.
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