Tuesday we did another round of PiYo for fire drill. It kicked my butt again but I wasnt near as sore as before!
We also got a whole new set of Wildland Gear from a grant. Nice Whites boots, gloves, new Fireline pants, a headlamp and a new shirt. I love new fire gear!
Big Bird has been so full of attitude lately. Hes been attacking Kennedy and I. He has been pecking his girls like crazy. Which is normal but theyre losing so many feathers and hes bloodying the back of their heads. The hens are so wound up with him around. Chris and I talked and decided with that and with him being so aggressive towards Kennedy we would watch for a few days and if it got worse he was gone.
Wednesday night Miss K had archery again. Her little friend Kesleigh came and shot for the first time. They HAD to shoot by each other. Kes just loves K.
It was Kesleighs first time shooting so her dad, brother from another mother Kyle F, helped her shoot. Its hard to keep all these bearded Kyles straight!
A certain local business also brought us in a TON OF MY MOST FAVORITE COOKIES EVER into our work as a thank you.. The week I start working out hard... They brought in 9 CASES!!!
Thursday was a shitty day. Nothing wen right at all. Everything was a mess. I worked overtime and from there went to lunch with Chris and Brandon to make me feel a little better. I needed to stop and get some new shoes before I went to the gym. Id worn several holes through the bottom of my old shoes so it was time to finally get rid of them. I found some sweet new ones on sale and bought my first sports bra since high school! I finally have boobs that need to be tied down lol!

Then I went to the gym after work to loosen up my legs from PiYo. The boys (Todd and Chris) had an upcoming pack test on Saturday and I thought for fun I'd see if I could walk the 3 miles in the time limit of 45 minutes that they have (with out the weight vest) I busted ass on the tread mill and ALMOST made it
I left the gym, showered and got ready for class. I took Kennedy and Kinlie up to my moms house so she could watch them. They fought with me the whole way they wanted to walk to my moms house.. which is across the highway and 3 blocks up hill. I was NOT going to let them cross the highway and didnt have time to let them walk. I needed to get to class. I dropped them off and picked up my gym key which had been on the seat to put it back in my ash tray. I dropped it between my seat and the console. I slid my seat back all the way so I could grab it and as I picked it up with my two fingers it shot into the rail that the seat slides on. This is what my gym key looks like.
SOMEHOW it went not only into the rail but and UP into the mechanics of the seat. I have no idea how. I couldnt slide my seat it was completely STUCK. STUCK STUCK. I couldnt hardly reach the pedals. I ended up having to push the back part of my seat as far forward as I could so that I could tip toe and push the gas. I called Chris on my way and said I quit. He laughed til he about fell over. I got home from class that night at 10:30 pm. He went out to my car with a flash light expecting to just look under the seat in the rail and see the fob and pull it out. HA! He should know better. If it was that easy I would have taken care of it myself.
We spent almost an HOUR with him trying to move my seat and trying to even SEE the little damn thing. You could see the whole way down the slider rail to the back but couldnt see the fob because somehow it had gone up into the release part that makes it slide. We laughed so hard the entire time. He couldnt figure out how the hell I managed to do it. He told me when Im 70 hes still going to not let me forget it.
We couldnt get the stupid thing out and I was worried my key fob that I just bought was destroyed. We ended up the next day having to go to my dads, losen all the bolts on my seat and shake it until the stupid thing fell out because we couldnt get my seat out. BUT its in great shape and still works and my seat works!
Friday the girls were still super pecked on. ALL of them so we decided he was done.
Chris tried to catch him and he tried to attack him. We got rid of Big Bird that afternoon. Miss K loved him as a baby but she refused to go into the coop once he started going after her. We werent sure how she was going to feel about him being gone. She made up a happy song and went to go play in the coop with the hens. She was disappointed we werent having Big Bird for dinner.
The next day the hens were so happy and so much more relaxed. Weve been getting eggs like crazy!
The weather has been so nice lately and mid 50's. Kennedys been enjoying playing outside as much as she can
1 comment:
Big Bird the Bully! ha ha
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