This years Ducks Unlimited Corinne chapter banquet fell on the same day as the Be a Girl Shoot. We had quite a full Saturday! Chris spent half of Friday and most of Saturday helping set up and get everything ready since hes on the committee. It was held at the Masonic Lodge in Corinne as usual.
The food was wonderful. Smoked turkey or pulled pork, dutch oven potatoes, stuffing, rolls, corn.. and brownies and ice cream for dessert.

We dont usually take Kennedy with us but she really wanted to go this year and we figure she might be old enough to not get too bored. Chris is always busy helping run the show or doing the auction or doing the raffle so she was my 'date' for the night.
Mom and Dad
Steve, Tammy and Taylor
and these two....
We started off the night with me winning the early bird womens prize.. a Sherpa fleece DU blanket.
During the Last Duck standing game Todd won the Browning A5 shotgun. To say he was on cloud 9 is an understatement. That is THE gun everyone wants.
and if that wasnt enough during the card game he won the 9mm pistol as well
Our table was doing pretty awesome in the winning guns category. Taylor won a Kimber .45
They have a GreenWing raffle for the kids under 17. Every child who gets signed up wins a prize. We didnt tell Kennedy that part. We let her think it was just a normal raffle. She was ECSTATIC when they called her name. Chris was drawing the tickets and she kept saying over and over "I knew my dad would take care of me! He loves me and I knew he was going to draw my name and pick my ticket! I knew my dad would do it!"
She of course out of everything had to pick a play bow set. It was so cute you would have thought it was made of gold. Her night was MADE
Todd and Dad did pretty decent that night in the auction and silent auction. Dad won the attendance prize which was a huge DU clock. I won a lot in the general raffle and two things in the lady's raffle. I let K go pick out my prizes in the lady's raffle. We also won in the Golden Ticket raffle and got a sweet knife set.
We were not the most liked table of the night ha!
But in all fairness each year the families spend a good deal of money at the raffle and auctions. All the money that is raised goes to continuing Ducks Unlimited. A lot of people dont understand but hunters are some of the biggest conservationists ever. DU spends a ton of money preserving wetlands, making habitats, increasing the duck populations. Hunters spend more money preserving the wildlife than anti hunters do trying to stop it. We love hunting and want to make sure all the future generations have the ability to continue to enjoy it!
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