We came back Thursday because we had fire school Friday and Saturday.
Chris had class all day Friday..8-5
Todd and I had class from 1-5 and 6-10
That morning Todd, Kennedy and I helped Grandma and Grandpa load up their camper and take it to Early Park for their mission for the summer. After that we met Jana who was having breakfast with Kathy, Trish and Debbie at the Rusted Spoon. We ate at our own table to not disturb their girls breakfast ha and then dropped Kennedy off to them as we headed to class. Our first class was Modern Fire Behavior in Tremonton and it was really good! I learned a lot in that class. Todd and I went to dinner/lunch at The Grill because we had an hour or so to kill before the next class in Honeyville. We sat through was Fireground Operations and Tactics. The 4 hours on Friday was all Power-point. Tiffany brought treats and I always give her a hard time because she buys regular Oreos. I hate regular ones I only like double stuff. She made me my own special double stuff haha

Saturday morning starting at 8am we had to be at the training trailer in Honeyville. We ran through being IC and fire grounds command. Trisha and I rocking the headsets.
Chris was in class from 8-5 again that day too finishing up his cert.
Then Sunday it was back to work for me!
Monday we spent all night at the fire station fixing the seals on the ladder truck
and changing the brakes and rotors on the squad. This is how volunteer depts do vehicle maintenance
We started about 6pm and I ran and got pizza for everyone. Kennedy rode her bike over there and played at the park. By 830pm her and I headed for home. It was a school night. The guys didnt get home until almost 10.
Bright and early Tuesday morning I had APCO conference in Clearfield. The first day of class was really good.
Todd and Jana met me for lunch at the Philadelphian and we had amazing subs.
Tuesday night our station had to teach the Firefighter 2 class for the ones training. We had to be there by 6pm. Each one of us had a station and ran them through skills. At the end of the night we did one big group skill. They have to have ALL their turn outs on and done up and masks on and on air in 2 minutes to pass the test. We put everyone in a circle and ran a few timed tests.
Everyone passed and did great!!!
Tuesday night, well technically Wednesday morning (which was also our anniversary! happy anniversary to us) about 1 am Kennedy came down bawling. She said her head hurt so bad it was making her cry, her knees hurt, her throat hurt and she felt like she was going to throw up. She had a fever too. The poor peanut was absolutely miserable. I gave her some meds and made her a bed on the bathroom floor. Shes normally content with that but asked me if I would sit with her. I rubbed her back and face. She told me "thank you mommy for comforting me" and I stayed with her until she fell asleep. That next morning she was still miserable. I stayed home from my second day of APCO conference and we cuddled all day. This is how she was when she wasnt sleeping.
We stayed up on the Tylenol every 4 hours to keep her fever decreased. She ate nothing. I checked her throat that morning and it was just red. She said it felt swollen and like a thousand needles were stabbing her. She constantly kept randomly crying because her headache was so bad.
Im always hesitant about taking her to the Dr the first day. I usually wait til day 2 because she rebounds so fast just to make sure its not a bug that they cant do anything about. By that first night I knew we were going to the dr in the morning. I checked her throat and it had red spots in the back and a few white pockets. At this point I was pretty sure she had her first case of strep. She woke up in the middle of the night and was trying to throw up. She had nothing in her belly and just heaved.
We were able to get in at 1030 the next morning to see her Dr. Surprise her test came back pretty quickly positive for strep. It also was causing her to burp constantly. Like a hiccup almost. She couldn't keep anything down at all. No medicine. No fluids. No food. I havent seen her this sick in a long time. We got her prescriptions for antibiotics and some zofran.
She threw up not long after we got home and spent the day on the couch and sleeping.
When Daddy got home from work he went in and got her prescription filled.. and he also brought her some 7up and apple juice (in their own little bottles to help stop the spread of germs) crackers, Lysol, some more fever meds and crackers. She lived off one small pack of crackers and apple juice the next 2 days. Its all she wanted.

We started drugging her up and cancelled all our plans for the weekend. We had a bunch too. Her Dr said she shouldn't be contagious by 24 hours after she starts antibiotics but to be safe we should quarantine for 48 hours.. which is exactly what we did. She missed school Wed, Thur, Fri. I stayed home the whole time and inside the whole time ha! It was nasty horrible weather outside. She slept...slept.. and slept.. watched some movies and I pretty much cleaned and organized every square inch of the house. I filled a whole garbage can with stuff. I Lysoled the house about every 4 hours. I washed the blankets and pillows once a day she used. I overdosed on vitamins, drank lots of water and took naps hoping I didnt catch the nasty nasty bug.
Saturday she was feeling better but not 100%. She still spend the day in jammies watching movies and it was the first day she ate real food and didnt take a nap. She even did some homework. But Saturday night she broke out in a fever again.. She is full of congestion now and has a stuffy nose and is starting to get a cough. Lets hope we have this stupid bug done by the time Monday rolls around! I seriously do not remember strep being so bad!
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