This Memorial weekend we planned to head out west to go camping. We wanted to be AWAY from everyone. I wasn't too sure how it was going to go since we were just going to the desert and pick a spot. We weren't sure if it was going to be packed and what the weather and ground was going to be like. We have gone out hunting and on fires and stuff out there but camping's different. We figured either way we were up for an adventure!
Kennedy crashed about half way. As we got to camp a little rain storm came in. We let K sleep in the truck while we set up camp. We had to wake her up for dinner! She was out cold.
We found a great place to set up. There weren't many people around us at all. We were right off the road in case the weather got bad we wouldnt be stuck in the mud. Todd and Jana were planning on coming out Saturday morning so we needed a spot big enough for both of us.
After dinner we headed out in the side by side to chase bunnies and explore the area
It was gorgeous!!! It was SO GREEN!! Normally its all ready to burn and dead. With all the recent rains weve had the sage brush and everything was beautiful. I was so glad we decided to go out there. We even had water in the barrow pits and had puddles all along the sides of the roads.
Rue LOVED looking for rabbits. She kept running between Chris and I.
Shes pretty good about being able to drink from a water bottle.
You can see a few of the trailers out there and our trailer
Look at these colors. Its amazing
The next morning Todd and Jana showed up. Where we were camping had been trashed. People had taken out plates and crates and things to shoot and then left them. There were glass plates everywhere. Kennedys job was to pick up camp and make it better.
They got there about 830 in the morning. Chris made us all french toast and bacon for breakfast.
Then we loaded up the bikes and headed out to adventure
Todd pointing out the Newfoundland mountain range to Chris. Chris REALY wanted to be able to make it to the Newfies but it was a LONG LONG ways out and you have to cut across the flat that was muddy and wet so we werent able to make it there.
Newfies on the left
We did make it out Fingertip and to the Great Salt Lake. This was one of the ponds for GSL. It was so neat!
Railroad ties that had washed on shore. The sand was crunchy from all the salt.
Looking into the water
Then we drove to the other side and saw where the white salt was. The water was completely different on the other side
Those are all salt piles!
Kennedy thought it was so cool
As we were on the beaches Todd told us about how the Indians used to make a trek once a year to come stock up on salt. They packed intestines full and used them to carry it back. Who knew!
Kennedy had too much of an adventure
We went back to camp and had lunch. Then we headed over to Locomotive Spring to go fishing. We were about 15 minutes from there.
I had never been to the spring before so Todd said we had to take a selfie there lol!
We set up to start fishing. Its full of little trout. We had to find a deep spot and threw out our lines. Of course Jana started snagging fish left and right!
Kennedy caught her very first fish all on her own!
She kept saying "I killed a fish!! I killed a fish!!" We kept saying no you caught a fish. Her fish swallowed the hook so we had to keep it. She wants us to smoke it so she can make the trout dip I make. Cream cheese, smoked trout, dill and garlic powder. I even offered to cook it for dinner for her and shes adamant she wants it smoked.
I was trying really hard to NOT catch fish. I was busy keeping Kennedys line going. She lost a lot of bait. There were all kinds of little fish that would just nibble and take the bait. I ended up catching two still
Chris didnt catch a single fish ha. He hates fishing and fish hate him.
Jana on the other hand kept Todd busy taking fish off her lines!
We had to keep a few fish because the swallowed the hooks. Grandpa was showing Kennedy how to clean fish.
She wanted to see their lungs and heart. Then she wanted him to find the bladder. I only caught part of the conversation they were having but it ended with him saying "well Im not a doctor"
She is super fascinated with what the organs look like inside of animals and people.
We saw SO many antelope on this trip!
On the way back we stopped at the Kelton Cemetary which was just down the road from where we were.
We headed back to camp
We had some dinner and then sighted in guns and did some shooting
Jana got to shoot her new AR
Even though it was the end of May and we were in the desert it was still chilly at night. We spent half the time in hoodies
The next morning Kennedy got to shoot her gun. We practiced all 3 stances. It was the first time she had shot anyway but standing.
Her and daddy checking her target.
He told her to draw a bullseye with an X on it.. she drew one and then turned it into a deer
She is doing really well with her little gun and getting better about aiming. Each time before she shoots we go over safety rules.
She was so excited she 'killed a deer!'
Grandpa made biscuits and gravy for breakfast
We spent Sunday just hanging around camp and relaxing.

We watched a movie in the camper. I told Kennedy she had hit a right of passage in age. We watched My Girl. I told her she was old enough to understand it. Chris had never seen it before either. They both cried :)
He brought his camp chair inside so he could have a recliner
Rue couldnt stay awake for the movie either
Kennedy made a bouquet of flowers for the camper with a shotgun shell she found
That night it got really stormy around us but it took forever for the storm to reach us. We packed up camp so not everything got wet and we could leave early the next morning to beat some of the crazy traffic.
Kennedy and Grandpa took the little dogs for a walk
Then Chris, Todd and I loaded up in the side by side and went out looking for bunnies and coyotes. We went on a complete adventure down roads we hadnt been on. We saw some neat country! We got rained on a few times too.
We found a couple of eagles nests. This one had eaglets in it.. You can see the ones ugly head poking out and the mom was on the top of the rest of them. This picture was through binoculars of them.
Then the rain came down HARD
We had to stop for fuel about 15 minutes from camp. We always carry extra with us!
There should be no doubt that Chris is just like his father after this picture...
We packed up early Monday morning and headed for home. We had such a wonderful trip! Definitely made a great choice by going camping out there!