Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car wreck, Day care, Steak Fry, Mothers day and Gas leak

Right before we left town for the turkey hunt we had a pretty good accident. A lot of these pictures are from the news. This one Chris is in the black helmet and you can see my boot and elbow as I work on my patient ha.

I had to go to the hospital with my pt to assist. Obviously this is post delivery. I was on this call about 2 1/2 hours.. then we ran a few errands. We also had to spend the day shuttling 3 brush trucks back and forth for their inspections.. and we had a medical call in Willard where we spent several hours on scene assisting a family who had just lost their daughter and helping the medical examiner and mortuary get the patient outside. It was a long day!
Kennedy was picked up from the bus stop by awesome Diana while we were on the medical and she got donuts and to run errands with her and the kids. She was in HEAVEN. She loves playing with their kids. After the medical we had to go and bring back 2 of the brush trucks from the shop. Mom said she wanted Kennedy so she could come play with Parker and Macee because Parker was a little bored. So she went up for dinner.
Katys last day was while we were on vacation. Kennedy took her a cute card and a jar full of hugs and kisses for her new desk at her new job. 
She is loving her new day care though!!  I got this picture the first day after I dropped her off and she had tears for a minute. But she was great once I left :)

We FINALLY got good weather to burn the big pile we collected in the back yard. We had so many twigs and stuff from the horrible wind storm while we were gone. 
Its also been spring clean up and theyve had dumpsters at the city. We've taken full advantage of it cleaning up the backyard even more. We've had all kinds of gates and random windows etc that were there before we moved in. Our backyard is almost 100% where we want it!

 Tremonton had their annual Steak Fry the same Saturday as we burned the house in Plymouth. After the fire we came home, showered and headed out. We were STARVING!
 The dinner was really really good!! You got a plateful. We also got strawberry short cake for dessert and stayed for the whole drawing and auction.

 Mom had two dates for the night.. Phil
 and Dad who was off making the rounds politicking ha

 Mothers day I worked a 12 hour shift. 6am to 6pm
Kennedy called me at work to wish me a Happy Mothers Day. She told me "last night when I was suppose to be sleeping I made you a Mothers day card with my bunny flashlight under my covers.. I put it under my pillow and was going to put it on the table before work but I forgot so its under my pillow when you get home"
She brought it down to me and shared some of her Reeses she got. I love it!

 It says "you're my mom and you love me"
 This is what happens when you work in the ghetto...
this is the opener to get into work
 Kennedy wanted to play in the front yard 
She cracks me up!
 Before we burned the house on Tuesday night we had a natural gas leak. A construction company hit a gas line and it was running through the irrigation water. We were on scene almost 3 hours and then went and burned the Willard house lol. 
 We had 3 blocks shut down, water diverted, venting gas and monitoring the levels. Questar got on scene right after us thankfully and we only had to evacuate a few houses

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