Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Walks, Garden, Road base and exercise

Weve been trying to get a few more family walks and exercise nights in. Kennedy, Rue and I went for a walk on the new trail in Willard. It was great except for the mosquitoes!
 K and I pulled the garden. My tomatoes never ever turned this year. Mom took a bunch of them to do stuff with so they didnt go to waste. Our squash were huge! Kennedy is carrying those plants off

 We bought some road base and filled our driveway with it. We went to go borrow our friends tractor and his son was leery to let it go (we had permission and had just talked to him) so we asked him if he wanted to come with us to work. Ryker is so cute. He was all excited to get to drive the tractor to our house and do some finishing work. 

 Our driveway looks so good now that its filled in!
 We bought bicycles. Kennedy has been begging Chris and I into getting some so we can do family bike rides. Chris NOT into fitness.. or working out.. when I ask him to come run with me he can do a mile and a half with out even breaking a sweat. Its disgusting. He said he wanted to be a fit family and get fit on a bicycle.. I about fell over but took full advantage of it! We walked out of the store with two bikes!
We rode back and forth to his parents house several times in stead of driving. He also made his parents get their bikes out and we went for a 'family' ride down Bamburger
 Kennedy got to help him reload bullets and she thought it was the coolest thing ever.  I remember being her age and helping my dad reload bullets.

I had a good work out and then a kale super foods shake after.. it wasnt too bad!
 and if that wasnt enough I went for a 5 mile bike ride when I got home

 Our chickens have been mass producing like crazy lately!!

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