Kennedy LOVES Walker Texas Ranger. She watches it every night. Which also means she has a slight obsession with Chuck Norris. This week he was in Utah at several Maverik locations promoting his new drink. Of course the only time I was off work was to make it to the one in Centerville. I worked a 12 hour day, got off work at 6pm, drove to Willard, hurried and picked her up (she had no idea) we stopped for some McDonalds and drove to Centerville to get in line by 7pm. We were pretty far back in the line but it moved really fast. She had no idea why in the world we were getting in line at Maverik until she saw Truck Norris. Then she said "are we here to see Chuck Noriss???" I told her yes and she asked me over and over if it was the REAL Chuck Norris. Then she said she was going to throw up. She had to go into the bathroom because she was so nervous. She still didnt quite believe me that it was really HIM.

She kept practicing what she was going to say to him in line.
She kept saying "Hi, no that didnt sound right... hi! ugh no that doesnt sound sincere enough" it was hilarious. We got closer and closer. Once we rounded the corner she could see the Truck Norris and Chuck. She finally believed me it might be real.
We shook hands with his wife and talked to her. Then it was our turn. If you bought one of the waters he was promoting you got a free t shirt. We walked up next to him and as soon as she was a few steps from him she completely froze and just starred at him. I laughed and said "sorry shes a little star struck" He laughed and put his arm around her and kissed her forehead.
She instantly started crying. She kept asking me to pinch her to see if it was real and was trying not to pass out. This is the post Chuck face.
and then once she could breathe again ahahaha
She was in complete awe that she actually really met and saw the REAL Chuck Norris. She googled Chuck facts the entire way home. Also put on her shirt and had me wash it that night so she could wear it to school the next day. She has taken her C-Force water bottle to school every single day with water in it. She kept telling me it was the best day of her life and made it totally worth it!
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