Early Thursday morning we headed down to Mckay for Kennedys 2nd
It was ICE outside everywhere
My windshield had a nice thick layer of ice on it so I let it warm up for a good 30 min
It was nice and clear
Had my defrost on and hopped on the freeway
Within one mile my windshield started to ice up
I ended up having to have my defrost on high and my window cracked because it was too hot in the car but my windshield wouldnt stay clear!
This is what it looked like when I took the 31st exit

We went in to radiology and met with the sweet nurses
Kennedy has done this before back in 2010.. she knows the ropes
She was telling the nurse about veins and your heart
They have this kit full of toys that they are going to use on them so they know what to expect and give them a doll to draw on
A book full of pictures of the rooms they are going to go into and what will happen
I LOVE Mckay Peds
They drugged up Kennedy with a nasal mist after all the check here, lets look at this, play with this
Read her two books while they meds kicked in.. started a movie for her on the dvd player
She was so out of it
They told her she as going on a princess parade and she had to wave to everyone we passed in the hallway
And gave her a sucker so she didnt have to taste the medicine
Here we are on the princess parade
They set her up with her movie.. and had to put a catheter in
She was NOT happy about that.. not one bit and when the got the first catheter in she moved her hips right at the crucial point and they had to insert another one
They took xrays of her bladder, ran a drip of fluids up into the catheter.. one and a half bottles full, then made her pee out the catheter into a pan and xrayed the whole time and process
Her name is Jenn
We have dealt with her anytime Kennedys needed any sedation.
SO sweet. She follows up
Gives you her cell number if you have any questions or issues
When it came time to leave she walked us to the door and Kennedy wouldn't stop hugging her and she waved to us all the way to the car
We left the hospital and went to visit Dad at work
Talked to him for a few minutes and Kennedy said she felt good enough to get groceries even though she couldn't walk cause she was too tipsy
I put her in the cart and she was out of control!!!
Singing to herself
She had imaginary friends that were with her and they were having conversations
She picked out a lunch-able and kept holding it up to her eye, looking through it and laughing
She was too dang funny!!
**Well her Dr just called.. Her re flux has actually gotten worse.. She was a 3 and is a 4 now. Which means we just scheduled an ultrasound and consult with Primary Children's .. and will most likely have to do surgery..
Her flap that stops the urine from going back up into her kidney is twisted and almost seems like its working backwards.. it lets the urine in but doesn't seem to let it back out until shes asleep or really relaxed.. which accounts for all the heavy night time wetting through her pull up
Its only on the right side
The left side functions properly but the right allows the urine to go all the way back up the ureter and into the kidney
When she gets infections it leaves scar tissue
So we will see what they say in a few weeks when we go down there