Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 97- Fire!

Sunday morning bright and early we all had breakfast at Todd and Janas
Strawberry banana crepes, bacon and hashbrowns
It was so yummy!!
Then we ALL ran down to Dicks Sporting Goods to get a few things and happened to stop by Sportsmans too
JaNeale came up and brought Kennedy back
We had to go over to her moms house in Brigham and help them do a few things
Then it was back to Todd and Janas where Chris helped me make meatballs for Sunday dinner
Todd and I made pickled asparagus
Jana and Todd hemmed Kennedys dress for the wedding
The pickled asparagus actually turned out really awesome!
I made up a recipe lol and it was sweet and spicy and yummy!
Ash ran to the grocery store
When she came back she walked up the stairs that Chris and I had maybe 15 min before she said the basement was flooding
There was water all over the laundry room
Chris and Todd cleaned it up
Ry and Ash took a nap
Chris just woke up from his nap and Derek went down for his
Chris started to make the fries for dinner
He was in the kitchen frying when all of a sudden we heard 
Oh no!
I started a little fire
Then there was nothing for a while 
Then we heard..uh I need some help..
Uh Jana come here
Then we heard Jana go 
Uh Todd.. come here
And all of a sudden it got really smokey
Chris had spilled some oil on the stove and it started on fire
He needed Jana to tell him where the baking soda was.. while he took the two pots off the stove
The fire was all out on the top
But we could see some flames underneath
So Chris lifted up the top and there was a good pile of oil on fire underneath
Good thing we are in a home full of firemen who know how to stay calm.. and to put baking soda on it instead of anything else
Of course I sat back, laughed and took pictures

They got the fire out just as Roy and Kathy were showing up
They walked into the house full of nasty smoke and all of us laughing
I told Jana at first I thought you might have liked having your house full of your kids today.. but then your basement floods and your house catches on fire.. so maybe not!
She just laughed at me :)

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