Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Days 105-109

We have been running non stop lately I swear!!
Switching back to swing shift has been kicking my butt
We havent found much time to breathe let alone sleep!
Jp gave Ty an eviction date the day after the wedding
Here are her and Elysha all prego
and WHAM!
Here's Ty Poon
Tyler Benjamin Poon to be exact
Once 'we' as in Jp Hailey and myself decided to name her child Ty it stuck haha
He is so sweet!
Makes all those little tiny baby noises you forget about
He was so content
Kennedy wanted to hold him.. 
for about .2 seconds and then it was time to play with Jenna

Kennedy went to EMT class again with Chris
She was exhausted and fell asleep cuddled up next to Grandpa Todd and slept most the class
One thing we discussed was after our wedding was we wanted to get a new TV
Our old tv was alright.. except the bulbs kept going out so the tv would randomly shut off while watching it.. like 5 times per movie.. and since the bulbs were going out you get this awesome double vision thing on half the tv
It wasnt too big of a deal because we never really watch movies that much but we wanted to be able to
So we bit the bullet and went tv shopping
We actually found a SUPER DUPER GOOD deal at Walmart.. 
Helps having some hookups and the tv already being marked down some.. we got it marked down to exactly what we wanted to pay for it
However in comes the problem of having an entertainment center..or tv stand or something
We didnt have anything so temporarily we placed our end stand there
We really didnt want to pay for what we wanted..
So we made one
Found some awesome FREE barn wood and started building
We are great supervisors
Safety is serious

It was my job to use the draw knife to trim down all the wood
I loved it!
It was so much fun I'd never used one before
We went to dads shop, cranked up some music and got to work
We spent hours out there working
Mom and Dad came down to visit
Zack stopped by too
We have it halfway done!

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