Once again it was that time in March for our annual girls lava trip. This year was year number 5! We were reminiscing through past years.. Lava has been there through a lot. Kids, divorces, marriages, life! Our lives have changed so much since we first started going! We tried to get a big group again this year but we did it on a Wednesday night and a lot of people were interested in first and slowly one by one backed out. It ended up just being the normal 4 of us. We made our reservations at the same exact place we always do. Same exact room number too. The day we were going to leave we ended up needing to leave 2 hours later than we had planned. My sister was also being induced. We joked about how this year was rough. One by one less people were coming, we were leaving late and it just felt like a mess lol! We packed up Haileys car and headed out of town!

So.... we get to Lava. Hailey dropped Jenny and I off at Shawns Market because I needed Diet Coke. We walked up to our check in place which is a two blocks away. We get there and Hailey breaks the bad news to us
Our place had a sewer issue. They were supposed to call us and let us know we will not be able to stay there but somehow they didnt. This put MarDee into her angry mode lol. We waited outside while she hashed it out with them.
She told them how we come up there every year. They pulled her records to see it was true. Also that we stay there because its clean and we dont want to go somewhere else. So the girl called the owner and long story short they were very sweet and hooked us up with their conference center for the same price as we had our room originally booked for.
As we are checking in Chris calls me to tell me the alternator went out on his car. He barely made it home. He at least had my car to drive.
We couldnt believe how big it was! It felt almost like a waste because there were only 4 of us. It had 7 beds and cots in it!
The view outside our door. Right on the river. Right next to our pool.
The upstairs
We headed out to hit the streets of Lava and head to our pizza place
JP and I
Hailey and MarDee
Apparently the streets of Lava have gotten a little rough
We headed to the pool next.
From there I wanted to go back to bed and go to sleep. I was such the party pooper this trip! The girls all wanted to go to the Blue Moon which is one of the bars there. I didnt want to but Chris talked me into going and having fun. The place was empty (its Wednesday night remember) The very first thing I needed to do was find our dollar from our honeymoon
Then we played pool
Oh MarDee
We were real party animals. We went back to our place and watched Simpsons and Seinfeld and finally went to bed by 11. I was so tired. I'd worked that morning so I had been up since 0430. I got a phone call about 1245 from Elysha telling me Liz had her baby. Elysha works at the hospital where Liz delivered and was working that night. So she got to be there for it all. Then about 0130 Liz called me to tell me about her delivery and that they were all doing well.
The best part we were all excited about is our kids wouldnt wake us up. We could sleep in. No one needing to be sent to school, or diapers changed, or bottles made. We could sleep! We packed up and got ready to head for home. I had a work meeting at 2 so we needed to be home by noon. There was this creepy rock garden circle thing that our hotel has.. not really sure what its for or about but we had to go check it out.
This is in the center of it
We stopped at a gas station for breakfast and I found these.
Simply amazing.
Must try!!
There was another year of Lava down in the books! Thanks girls!
1 comment:
Love me Lava and my girl time. Thanks for sharing!
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