This week these little squishy faced kids turned 24! Happy bday twins!
To show you its not all roses and happy times at our house... Miss K has been ridiculously sassy, emotional, not listening and defiant lately. She was sent to go clean her room and told me it was done and she was going to bed.. this is what I found when I walked upstairs. She had been working on it for over an hour and it looked worse than when she started. All she did was play and make a mess.
The kicker.. see that WHOLE ROLL of toilet paper at the bottom of her bed... ya she took an entire roll and unraveled it and used it for Tangled hair. She had to put it all in bag and take it downstairs and use it for the rest of the week until it was gone.
After about 4 days she FINALLY got over whatever it was an was back to Kennedy. She has been obsessed about me dying lately? Not sure why but she keeps talking about how she doesn't want it to happen. She came over other day and gave me a hug and said "Mom I'm so sorry that you're so old at 28. You're so old you're going to be going to heaven soon" Thanks kid!
Jana, Mom and I went to a DoTerra Oil party at Grandma Kathys house. It was a wild night.. It started at 7 and I was home by 10. Kennedy was already in bed when I got home. She came down the next morning and crawled into bed with me and said "Mom I was soooo worried about you last night. I thought you'd died you were gone so long! What was Grandma Jana doing? Trying to keep you gone all night long with her!? I was here and dad was turning into a frog, you know when he gets all bossy"
I shot my highest score so far this week. A 287. I was pretty stinking happy with that!
Sunset after fire drill
Kennedy finally had her final round of filings done. She was singing Frozen songs at the top of her lungs with the ear phones on. She keeps asking if maybe she can get Frozen for Easter. We told her we would have to see but if she wanted to earn money before then we would give her a list of chores and if she did them she would be able to save up enough money in two weeks to buy Frozen.. We will see if it happens!
After her dentist appointment we stopped to see baby Koree. Shes SO cuddly and snuggly
We've been doing a lot of backyard work. Chris has spent a lot of time working on leveling the backyard. We had a huge pile along the fence line when we moved in and have started tearing it down and flattening it. When Chris started digging through the big pile he found all kinds of stuff that had been burried... bricks, tile, concrete pavers, pieces of railroad rail and the usual lots of rocks!
Hes taken a lot out of the grade off the grass. In April we will be able to burn that big pile of limbs from cutting our tree.

With the discovery of all the buried junk the piles he decided he needed a screen to filter the dirt with. We have this platform in the backyard and he thought he would give it a try to see if it would work. He pulled it off the trailer
We leaned it up against the few inches of concrete that stick out on one of our walls and angled the rest down to the ground to see if it would give it enough slope.

However the angle was wrong, he needed to be able to dump from the back not the side and the dirt didnt really feed well through it.
So onto plan two his dad and him built this screen. Once again from scraps of things they had between the two houses. This way he can come in from the back so the big rocks run down the screen and go right to the ground. The smaller rocks and dirt filter through.
It worked out pretty well. The large rocks bounced off and the dirt sank through.

As you can see we still have a lot to go and even out along the fence line but it will be nice not having all those rocks and tiles and bricks and concrete pieces in it!

Thursday the weather was so great I had to go shoot at my parents
I worked on sighting some of my further pins in a little more. This is 40 yards
Kennedy's been helping in the back yard too. She was doing some rake dancing
Todd and Jana had some work being done in their garage and had their cars parked outside. I needed to stop and so I had to park out of the driveway too. I started cracking up at how patriotic it looked!
Mom and I ran errands and had to stop to try a new restaurant. As we were sitting there eating dad walked in! He was working OFD and needed to grab some menus. He didnt even know we were going to be there. The food was pretty good. The ice tea was amazing. I have been on a really big ice tea kick lately

Of course K had to do some shooting too
I bought Koree a new outfit and a bow to go with it. She has SO much pink stuff she needed something different :)
The weather this weekend was slightly chilly but oh so sunny! I cleaned my car finally. I feel much better
Chris started aerating lawns Friday. He has so many he needs to do plus is picking up some steady business! He does regular size lawns for $30.
We did 4 of them yesterday and hes got about another 10 to do Saturday
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