Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 37- 10 years, wrecks and salsas

Sunday 09-07-2014 was my 10 year mark in dispatch. I started my career back when I was 19! We have gone through so many changes since then.. name changes.. became an Emergency changes... software changes... channel changes... uniform changes..its been crazy to think how much has changed in 10 years! But its pretty much the same job that is always different every day. Only 20 more years to go until retirement! Even though we work with the officers and firemen and are exposed to a lot of the same things they don't consider our job high stress enough to qualify for a 20 year retirement. We are considered like a desk secretary job. Go figure right. Heres to the next 20

This week before we left to go deer hunting I had a bunch of peaches and tomatoes that needed to be taken care of before we left. I made a batch of peach salsa. It turned out pretty good. I should have probably boiled it a little longer to make it a little thicker but not bad for the first batch. 
Kennedy loves it. She says it goes great with Sprite lol!
Tuesday night for fire drill they had a family BBQ at the station. Potluck style. They provided the burgers and cobbler. The whole family was invited. All the kids took over the benches outside.
Chris has been working on teaching Kennedy to tie her shoes. Theyve been practicing a lot. Tuesday she was getting dressed for dance and came down with her shoes on and tied ALL ON HER OWN! We have hit the next big girl milestone.
After we came back from hunting there were more tomatoes and peppers to take care of so Kennedy and I made regular salsa. She was the official tomato putter in the blender and blender runner. She also helped me peel the skins. Of course it wasnt with out tomato juice all over the place. She assured me "cooking isnt fun unless youre getting messy. Its all a part of life."

She had to take a picture of me processing the jars too. Then she jumped ship because she really really really wanted to go help daddy mow lawns. Its more fun than canning. 
While they were gone mowing lawns and my salsa was boiling we were sent on a wreck on the freeway. Chris had Kennedy so I got to go on the accident.
From there we had to stop and clean up a Hazmat issue on the way back. One of the girls on the dept took this pict of us.
Me, Todd and Rod
After I got back home I was working on the salsa when I heard Chris and Kennedy out front. I could hear the lawn mower going and he kept saying "hold the bar down" and she kept laughing saying she couldnt walk that fast. I snuck out the door and saw they were mowing the lawn together. He was trying to help her with the self propelled mower.

Later on that night after we were in bed they paged for an accident with ejection. I had to work that next morning and it was Chris's turn so he went. He left at 1130 pm and didnt get home until 0230 that morning when I was getting up for work. Hes in the edge of the picture (I stole them from KSL)
You can see Chris playing with his mustache standing next to Todd in this next one

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