So much going on this week and so little pictures!
Kennedy started 1st Grade. We had her backpack and outfit all layed out and ready with her lunch in the fridge. She has wanted to take lunch to school ever since she found out she gets to eat there.
I was at work her first morning so Daddy got her up bright and early, got her dressed and did her hair to take her to the babysitters house. He took this first morning picture for me.
and her babysitter took this one
Shes not been the only one in school. Chris spent a week in backflow school to get certified for work. He worked really hard and earned his certs!

Miss K got to go to Uncle Taylors house and play with his sister in laws bunny. Apparently the bunny hates everyone but loved Kennedy and let her cuddle and hold it. Shes convinced she needs a bunny now.
Miss K has had such a hard time getting into a school routine. Even during the summer we kept her going to bed around 830 but now she has to get up for school at 5am and go to school all day. By the time she gets home shes exhausted. Its been a rough first week with a lot of tears. She even said she wishes she could take naps now! While we were camping she said "Mom I had the worst dream ever! you know how I dont get any sleep anymore because I have to get up early. Well I dreamed that not getting enough sleep turned me purple just like the girl off Charlie and the Chocolate factory! I stayed purple until I got enough sleep then I went back to normal color!!!"
She has turned purple...
Then mid week Todd, Jana and I headed back up to Elk camp where Mom was at still. Wednesday night we got NOTHING. Thursday we went out after our morning hunt for a little four wheeler adventure
No go there either for deer or elk. Chris and Kennedy came up Thursday night. Friday afternoon we went for another drive and ran into two nice moose.
I spent a lot of time sitting in my blind waiting. Nothing wanted to come in at all. As soon as we would leave there would be elk on our trial cams. It was so frustrating.
Afternoon hunting. Chris and Todd.
We hiked A LOT. We found a new spot we had saw some elk. Hike to the top of that ridge. We waited where we had saw them crossing and they skirted around us and went down below us.
Chris decided carrying one pack wasnt enough. He had to go for two.
Not by choice lol. Todd forgot something at camp part way to the blind and had to run back. Chris carried his stuff to a spot we waited for him.
Saturday night Chris and I went into the blind. We had found a new pond right next to where I had been sitting. I decided to try and sit there this time and see what happened. Chris was above me on the hill calling. We had a nice bull come within 20 yards of him just a thrashing his antlers and bugling. I was about 80 yards below Chris down hill in the trees. I called him down to within 30 yards of me with a cow call. But how Im sitting Ive got a steep hillside at my back and am in a pine tree. There is no way I can see him above me even when I turn around. Hes just over the top of the hill. He was above me thrashing, stomping in puddles, bugling and going crazy. I cant get up from where I am or I will spook him off.. all I can do is hope he will come down the hill.. like ten stinking steps to where I am so I can shoot him. No luck. He would NOT come down the hill. I never got to see him and we left at dark with him still in the area. The new blind I was sitting in was just down the hill from my original blind so chances are if I hadn't switched spots and sat in my original one I could have had a shot at him.
We had grand plans to go back in the morning and find him but it just so happens there was a huge rain and thunderstorm Sunday morning when it was time to get up.
We had grand plans to go back in the morning and find him but it just so happens there was a huge rain and thunderstorm Sunday morning when it was time to get up.
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