Wednesday was Kennedys 2nd week of archery. I dont get to see her shoot at all this go round because I am at work. My mom takes her up with her and Chris is there about 10 min after it starts. I asked him to send me some pictures since I was missing it. She went into complete meltdown bawling because he wanted a picture of her by her target that she didnt hit. She just hit the side of it so we ended up with no pictures. Maybe next week after shes had a nap and is feeling better lol! However Sarita did send me this pict of Chris helping Alex learn. Alex has been doing awesome from what I hear!
Im a sucker of a mom. Thursday of Red Ribbon week was pajama day. Kennedy never sleeps in pjs its just usually underwear or a big tshirt. She has been so into Red Ribbon week that I stopped on my way home from work and bought her new Frozen jammies to wear. She was SO excited and has worn them a bunch since.
Thursday was kind of a special day. It was the 11 year anniversary since Zacks older brother died. We usually try to get together or I try to check on him that day. We have both been so busy we havent seen each other in forever so we met at Brixtons on my lunch break.
We are getting very excited for our annual Be A Girl Shoot. This year will be HUGE! We have Casey Scott from Channel 2 news coming out Thursday morning before the shoot for a live broadcast to promote it. We have had an amazing business Full Draw Archery donate TWO (very nice and expensive) bows for raffle. One is a custom pink bow. There are all kinds of wonderful donations we have received for raffle and auction. This year will be one of the best so far! Come out and support us. Even if you dont shoot just stop by and see all the fun and donate! It goes to a great cause.
Everyone has been getting their dresses ready. Kennedy wanted to wear her Halloween costume but when we went shopping for my dress she found one she fell in love with and we had to get her one too :) Chris's shoes and wig came in the mail the other day. Hes gonna look so good haha! Ive about got him convinced to let me paint his toenails too.
Kennedy has been reading non stop lately. She is reading all kinds of books and constantly spelling everything. She has to read me books while I do laundry, or dishes, or clean the room
My husband is.... my husband. He loves his stinking wagon car. Its like a contest to him to see how much stuff he can fit in the back. If we have to haul something big its always "lets take the wagon!" just to see if he can fit it in the back. Well this last week was no exception. A friend of ours shot a nice deer but didnt want the meat. They said we could have it if we just gave them a front shoulder. Sounds great to us! So it hung for a few days and we went into Brigham to pick it up and butcher it. Chris only saw this as a challenge. "I bet I cant fit it in the back of the wagon! Lets try and see!" There was no talking him out of it. So we loaded in the wagon and headed into Brigham to pick up a deer
Poor miss K got stuck sitting next to the hind end on the way home! Chris thought it was hilarious. He was so proud of himself for getting it in the car.....
Friday was Halloween. I had to work that day but Chris had it off so all morning Halloween duties fell to Dad! He did really well. Got her hair all spray painted and her all put together and even did a little photo shoot for mom since he knew I'd want pictures.
The beautiful Princess Elsa
Kennedys school day was FULL of activities, candy and fun. They had their annual costume walk. Grandma Jana made it to see but only got a blurry pict as Kennedy ran past. That afternoon Chris had the deer skinned and off the bone. When I got home from work he had to leave to go set up for a banquet on Saturday. Mom came down and helped and in an hour we had all the burger done and steaks cut up, sealed and in the freezer.
From there we had an hour til it was Trunk or Treating time. I had just washed up my hands when the pager went off for a medical right next to the fire station. I knew not many people were around so we headed over. Just finished up with the medical when Mom and Elysha showed up at my house. We took picts of the adorable kids! Parker is a Transformer. They had to tell me who/what he was. Thats what happens when you only have a girl and grow up in a house full of girls! Macee was a Monster.
Even though Willard is a small little town our community events are pretty big! The Trunk or Treat is a large deal. It starts at 6 but the line is usually way long by 5:30. We headed over at 5:20 to get in line and there were a good 50 people ahead of us already.
Chris had just gotten back from setting up and met us in line. He couldn't believe how far back we were for being so early and how many people there were.
Kyle and Karly came and joined us with their kids Dominik and Kesleigh
A small part of the line. It goes clear back to the church and up the block
There were some really cute trunks!
Todd and Jana found us after the first few trunks and walked with us. Everyone was having a blast and we were about 3/4 of the way through it when the pagers went off for an accident with an ejection. Chris gave me a kiss and him and Todd were off. Mom and Jana told me I could go and they would take K but I couldn't abandon her on Halloween so I stayed. Then they brought in a bird and landed it on the freeway. Son of a! We finished up the Trunk or Treating. The entire thing is done completely off donations and they open up the fire station and hand out free chili and hot dogs. The dogs were wonderful. We all got a bite to eat and headed on back home.
We stopped at one of our neighbors house on the way so Mom could show the kids what Trick or Treating is like. Willard has the Trunk or Treat but also if you want to Trick or Treat you just leave your light on and people will stop by. Not near as many trick or treat.
From there Jana came with us now that Todd was gone. We stopped at Grandma Chris's so K could get her treats there, Zacks parents house, then we went to Roy and Kathy's to trick or treat. We stopped at Kennedys dads other job so she could say hi and show him her costume and then we went back to Todd and Janas to wait for the boys to finish up. Unfortunately the call ended up going fatal. These picts are from KSL
Chris and Todd finally showed back up and we went home. Kennedy made a haul! She wasnt able to fit everything in her bucket.

Saturday Chris was busy all day long finishing setting up for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet that night. Miss K and I made it a girls day running errands. She kept opening my door for me and calling me ma'am when she did.
That night was the banquet. Chris was so excited because his name was on the program :)
The dinner was really good. Mom and Dad and Taylor came with us. Dusty and Nickie were there too an sat with us. Of course I didnt get to sit by Chris at all since he was busy working and helping with everything so I was glad we had great people at our table! The food was really good as usual.
I didnt take any picts but stole some off their FB page
Our table. Todd, Jana Me. Taylor, Mom and Dads backs
Chris and Brent
Taylor freaking cleaned house!! He wont the attendance prize. This chair set and table. Then he won some really neat things in the raffle. It was his first banquet...beginners luck
The banquet was a lot of fun. It was also Mom and Dads first time. I have a feeling they'll be back next year!
The DU banquet started at 6. Zeb (Zacks older brother) had a house warming party starting at 7. We told them we would be late but would be there. We made it there about 10. Kennedy had a sleep over at Grandma and Grandpas. I had to get a picture with my cute husband and his mustache all done up.
and I cant forget my other two 'husbands'
They had so much food.. smokies, jalapeno poppers, smoked turkey, sandwhiches, cookies...
They set up a shooting gallery in the garage
but that only lasted so long til it became more fun. You can see hes so not aiming at the cup.
These girls were so nice and so much fun. They had an egg game. There were only a few boiled eggs in a carton and the rest were raw. You had to crack them on your forehead and the one with the boiled egg won. The best part was a few of the boys didnt know how to be gentle and smashed the raw ones all over their heads.
Chris thinks hes a reigning beer pong champion but I think its cause he cheats! We just had the cups filled with water. He was all into it and competitive and the girls were giving him such a hard time it was hilarious.
No party is complete with out a fire
Shay'la Zeb and Zack all took a drink in remembrance of Zane.
Me, Zeb and Bill F***ing Murry (please tell me you've seen Zombieland. Its one of my favorites)
The tight leather pants came out. Zeb put them on...
and then Chris had to try them on. Its sickening how skinny he is. I keep trying to fatten him up and it just isnt working. I told him its just wrong to wear skinny jeans cause he makes girls everywhere look bad with his chicken legs
Sunday morning Kennedy had to show her support to her Grandpas with her Denver Broncos mug.
Sunday dinner got out of control. We were all talking about the upcoming Be a Girl Shoot and Todd started talking about how he needed to shave his mustache for it. We were all shocked. He says well I might as well shave it now so my lips not all white and grabbed the clippers. Jana has never seen him with out a mustache. We took a before pict
She needed one last mustache kiss
She kept asking him are you SURE. He says why not it will grow back in 3 days anyways
He looks so different! I dont know how to feel about it!!
While we were taking a family nap Sunday; Chris and I on the couch and K in the recliner, the pager went off for another accident on the freeway and he left.
Sunday night he had just climbed into bed at 7:40 and I wasnt tired yet so I was still up. The pager went off for ANOTHER accident on the freeway. He was hurrying and getting dressed and I said nope! Im going! See ya Love ya Bye! He was just walking out of the bedroom when I ran out the door and into the car. He got the earlier one I was so calling this one! See the little car clear out there in the field.. that went though two ditches and a barbed wire fence. Ya we had to carry the patient on a backboard all the way from there up to the ambulance on the freeway.
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