Chris had Tuesday off and after he took Kennedy to school him, Tyson and Caitlyn went out duck hunting. This was her first duck hunt. They did pretty decent.
Also Tuesday night we had elections for the Fire Dept. Had some changes and Todd became our new Assistant Fire Chief.. or Ass Chief as we like to call him. Congrats!
The cold weather has sure came and set in
Which means its hot coco and raspberry fritter time. I NEEDED this because I knew that the day ahead held.. Thursday was our first snow day at work. RI-FREAKING-DICULOUS
There were NOT massive amounts of snow. What fell made the roads a mess.
Here is a little snippet of what we dealt with. It was crazy! 165 traffic accidents is a huge amount considering how many officers we actually have working.. and 480 calls in a 6 hour period is more than a call a minute for 6 hours straight.. which they really didnt start getting crazy til after 0830.
After that crazy snow day mom and I went out hunting. We saw a bunch of doe. There is one laying down in the snow.
She decided to get up just as I was trying to get a better picture
After that I picked Kennedy up from school and she said "MOM!! What did you do to our fall pumpkin??" I had no idea what she was talking about until I realized our white pumpkin turned orange!
View from our front yard east
I bought this adorable new sweater for K. JaNeale had bought her the leggins. I told her to wear this outfit for the day and she walked into my room wearing it and said "Really.. THIS is what you want me to wear?? A SWEATER?? No one wears a sweater now a days.. and leggins?? Are you crazy its cold and snowing outside. This outfit is not cute!!!!" She got the look and told me "Ok fine Mom.. I'll wear it just to make you happy but Im telling you its not a good outfit..."
So when she got home from school I asked her if anyone said anything about her clothes. She said she had 4 teachers compliment her outfit and kids told her all day long how adorable it was. Score one for mom.
On Saturday Chris and Todd were out at a County wide HazMat training. Todd is the HazMat coordinator for Box Elder county. I would have loved to go but I had craft day and Miss K. They had the Bomb Squad from HAFB there and did all kinds of fun things
Jana Me and Mom made countdown to Santa blocks. They turned out adorable!
Kennedy had her own crafts to work on too courtesy of Grandma Tammy
After that we waited for Chris at Janas.She was going to paint the basement and was just going to paint over all the wall paper. Its going to be a textured look so it wouldnt really matter its over the paper. Well as we are downstairs Chris pulls on a loose piece of wall paper and tears it all off.. which started us stripping ALL the wall paper off
After all that hard work it was dinner time. Kennedy was drawing on her place mat and drew the cutest picture of all of us hunting.
The she flipped it over and drew this....
little shit
Shes been crazy lately. She put on 3 beanies and was playing with the swan decoy. It was her pet.
Sunday morning Todd, Hunter, Chris, Miss K and I went out to the spur to go duck hunting. We had to bust ice the whole way out. We stopped way shorter than we wanted to go because the ice was so bad. We had to break out big piles of ice to create a landing area for the ducks
Frozen solid
The boys breaking ice
Searching for ducks. There were a ton flying but they were all west of us
Kennedy had 12 layers on and was wrapped up in a blanket eating a lunchable. She was set!
We had no ducks come in. Rue got bored and took a nap
After we got home Chris, Dad, Kyle and I went out deer hunting in the orchard. We saw some doe and a tiny itty bitty spike. We let them go. As soon as we were driving back Taylor text and wanted to go deer hunting on the mountain. Kennedy wanted to stay and hang out with Grandma Chris.. its a good thing too because it was FREEEEEEEEZING and we went down some sketchy four wheeler trails
It was SO cold but so pretty
We had a crazy adventure. I love spending time with this guy! Even if I have to force him to take a picture
We ended up seeing just a bunch of doe. We were on our way back racing the sun setting when we spotted 2 doe and a tiny 2 pt buck. Its rut season now. I didnt want to shoot him since he wasnt very big. He was starring at something just ahead of us so we continued on where there was a doe and a good size buck. Full on in the rut. He was chasing her all over and she kept pushing him off. It took a few minutes to get close enough to them and to get them to hold still long enough to try and get a shot. Finally got an opportunity at 32 yards. I let an arrow fly and completely flat ass missed. I went under his belly. I was so shocked. I am not saying Im an amazing archer but 32 yards.... I should have hit him. I caught a rash of shit as soon as we got back for Sunday dinner. I took it assuming I had just gotten excited and missed.
Well Monday night was our normal range night so I took my hunting arrows with field tips up to the range just to make sure my bow was still on. I can accept if I just missed but something just was bothering me how off I was. So I flung some arrows down range and at 20 yards I was about 6 inches low. The further the yardage the more the arrows going to drop so 32 yards would explain why I was dropping about 8-10 inches at the deer and went below his belly. We played around with my bow and couldnt get the arrow to be on target. Finally we got to looking and noticed my serving string at my D loop and came unraveled which caused my D loop to slide up almost an inch.. which in turn changes where my anchor point is and the angle of my arrow on the rest.. Long story short I didnt completely suck it wasnt my fault I missed! I had to sit the night of shooting out and watch every one else shoot. Miss K and I played on Pinterest so it wasnt too bad.

We took my bow to the Bow ER that night for some emergency surgery. Dad got it fixed up nice.
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