Sunday, February 22, 2015

Indoor range, Driving simulator and parent teacher conference

We went up to the range for a little bit to help out my mom and we took our bows with it. Chris Kennedy and I all shot. We wanted to see if Chris was actually able to shoot his bow. He had a tough time pulling it back but was able to. He shot two arrows at a time for about 6 shots and then his arm was completely spent. HUGE improvement! I was really excited he was able to shoot that many arrows. 
 I played around and shot a bunch for a while. It felt good to get my bow out and go for some paper.
 Wednesday night Chris surprised us and came up to archery class. He helped Kennedy shoot.

Kennedy and Macee had a picnic in the great sunshine weather we had
 Saturday afternoon we had to do EADS (Emergency Apparatus Driving Simulator) Class put on by UFRA (Utah Fire & Rescue Academy) Its a big long 60 foot trailer with a classroom in the front half and two driving simulators in the back half. The simulator is set up for driving an engine. You have 3 huge screens surrounding you for a full view like you're in the engine. Air brake, siren, adjustable mirrors etc.
You start out in the classroom.. go over somethings and they take you back two at time to the simulator. They run you through a scenario that you're really not going to 'pass'. You don't actually fail they just have errors for you to make as learning points. Then you go back into the class for more lecture, then back into the simulator. You go through several driving scenarios each one more complex than the first. 
The class really was a lot of fun and very informative! Our instructors were great and it really was educational. Before we knew it our 4 hours were up. They can make any vehicle and any scenario they want in the simulator. It can be snowing, dark, in an engine or ambulance, tanker.. you can get a flat tire, hit people, lose air pressure etc. Afterwards we asked if they would run the tiller simulator for us. Thats where you have the really long ladder trucks that someone drives the engine part and some one steers the back. Taylor drove the engine and Zack drove the tiller. The guys were messing with us and started Taylor off with a flat tire. He didnt notice and sped up. The guy stopped us and said "I have a question.. is this how it works in Willard? You get a flat tire so you drive faster!??" We told him yep! He got a good laugh out of it.
 The tiller is awkward because you have no control but a steering wheel. You cant speed up or apply the brake and when you steer its opposite of normal. You want to go left you turn right. They have to be in constant communication over the headsets with whats going on.
 We had Kennedy's parent teacher conference this week. Chris and I took her after archery. Her parent teacher conferences have always been good so I wasn't too worried. I was really shocked at this one however. She does exceptionally well at reading and math. The reading part I know she gets from me but the math????  She had been scoring well all year but this was even better.
The bar is where the class is and the dot is where Kennedy is. 

 This one was crazy! Beginning of the year her class was at 113 and she was at 173 which was great! But by now she is at a 376 and her class is at 130! Her teacher actually called her brilliant. We were shocked.  I mean everyone thinks their kid is smart but when you hear it from the teachers too it makes it even better. Her teacher also said she is very kind and works hard to be friends to everyone. They got a new student and she was the first to volunteer to play with him on breaks.  We celebrated her great parent teacher conference by getting her two new chapter books at the book fair afterwards


Dismalland said...

Wow! Those really are impressive scores. Way to go, Kennedy!

Unknown said...

Thank you! Its nice to have a second teachers opinion that theyre good haha