Thursday, December 1, 2016

Duck Hunt and Broken Boat

Sunday afternoon we headed out duck hunting. We went to a spot they had been going recently. Its been pretty slow duck hunting so I havent been going. I like to wait til its snowy blowy rainy weather because then the shooting is usually good. We were almost to the spot we wanted to be when the boat went over a log about 2 feet under the water. Chris hurried and picked up the prop but it still hit it. It damaged the prop pretty good and broke the ujoint on the motor. Normally that wouldnt happen. We have no idea why it snapped but we didnt hit the log hard enough or did the prop stay on it long enough. We think maybe the prop went into the wood and bound just enough to put pressure on the ujoint and snap it. So now we are in the water, no running motor and almost to our duck spot. 
Thankfully we werent too far from home. Taylor called his dad to bring his boat down to the launch and we pushed the boat to the spot we wanted. We threw out the decoys and Taylor walked the 10 minutes up to where his dad would be parking. We got all the decoys out and Todd and I sat in the weeds to hunt and Chris pushed his boat to about where it broke. Taylor met him there, they towed the boat back to the ramp and then came back down in Taylors boat to hunt. 
The weather had all this promise of a cold nasty blizzard. Unfortunately it was just right around us and not on us :(
Rue girl

 I got a new shotgun a while ago for 'Christmas' from Chris. Each time we've gone out Ive not had a chance to shoot it or kill a duck. FINALLY I got to take a duck down with it. 

 and this is the ONLY duck we shot all night

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