Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tucker Family Party

 Saturday was the annual Tucker Family Christmas Party 
(Chris's grandma on his moms side)
We started out with a potluck dinner. Then Santa came!
The littles were so excited
 Briggs thought he was ok until he had to sit on his lap. Then it was over.
 Briggs LOVED Santa after he found out he brought him trucks! He went up and told him thank you and kep waving to him. He was so excited.

 Kennedy had gotten a new shotgun for her birthday that morning.. even though her birthday isnt for almost a month. Santa asked her what she wanted and she said the #1 thing was bullets for her new gun- it makes a mommas heart happy!- Well somehow Santa knew thats just what she wanted! She was skeptically looking at the box once he said it was heavy. She thought it might be shotgun shells but didnt want to get too excited.
 She was so excited!
She couldnt believe that only 4 hours after getting her gun Santa knew what she needed! I love the magic of Christmas in her eyes.

 Someone told Santa he had been a good boy....

 Jimmy asked for new underwear

 We sang Santa off into the night as the kids help jingle his sleigh bells

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