Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This year for Easter I had to work and so did Kennedy's dad so she went with my family down to my Grandparents for Easter
My work ended up needing me to come in early so I was able to leave early and head down to see the family for a minute
Grandma and Grandpa Barton had all kinds of delicious food waiting, an egg hunt for the kids and cute baskets full of fun toys for them!
They always put on a great Easter!
It was nice to be able to see family we hadnt seen in a while
Also we celebrated my Grandpas B day
This is the only pict I got down there!
Kennedy had so much fun playing she was OUT cold on the way home
When we got home it was time for our Easter
The EB had came and hid eggs all over the house!
Kennedy got a cute piggy bank to decorate and start saving change in
EB some how knew and filled a bunch of the eggs with change!
A few new shirts, some new crocks, princess bubbles and some treats
EB also decorated her new bike!
A princess basket to keep her stuff in, princess tassels and a bell!
She wanted a bell so bad
We went for our nightly bike ride around town
Kennedy has such a hard time focusing while shes pedaling
I swear I may never let her drive
She kept stopping so she could wave to all these little boys who were outside and ring her bell at them
Come on!??! Already!?? Shes only 4
Peanut had a good Easter and even with her nap was all tuckered out!
I found her like this the next morning when I went to wake her

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