April 9th was Haileys Bday!
She got a cake at work and this shirt..
If you know Hailey you know this is her FAVORITE thing to say
That night at work one of my co-workers husband ended up with 6 extra tickets to the Jazz game that night and asked if I could fill them
Heck yes I can!
SO I rounded up a few people on the last minute and another awesome co-worker made it possible for me to leave a few min early and get ready
Seriously I work with the BEST people ever!!!
We all headed down for Kennedy and I's first Jazz game ever
We moved up to the very top row so we could all sit together
Funny thing the Jazz played the Spurs
The ONLY other NBA basketball game I have ever been to was a Spurs game!
Our friends MarDee Brandon and their son Caid came with us
And Zack too
It was a fun night
Kennedy enjoyed it

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