Yes I know the weekend is technically starting..
But I mean my work weekend
On Wednesday Zack Kennedy and I went shooting
She was so excited to get to shoot
HOWEVER she fell asleep on the way up there
Slept through the entire 2 hours or shooting
Slept the whole way back down the mountain and we had to wake her up when we got to Wingers
Peanut was exhausted
She woke up and said ok can we go shoot now after we eat
She was so sad to find out she'd slept through it all!
Setting up the target
The weather was perfect
Its so beautiful up there I cant help but always take pictures!
Thursday night I went out with Chris to the trap club and shot trap
I had never ever shot trap before at an actual trap place with machines and houses
Chris shoots competitively and was killin them!
I on the other hand took a while to get into my groove
We ended up shooting 100 rounds a piece!
This is the guys lined up for a pawn shoot at the end
It was really interesting to see

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