I love that every sunday at work we do a potluck/buffet and teams take turns bringing in food
Pulled in the driveway and Chris had Kinlie on the tractor with him and was unloading wood
She had heard the tractor start up and ran outside
He let her ride with him and help haul wood for mom and dad
Nothings cuter than a man on a tractor!
This week I was feeling miserable
I lost my voice completely on Monday and Tuesday
and have been all congested and manly sounding
Tuesday when Parker came over I said something and he said to the kids
"Who was that who just talked?? Is Chris here???"
Even though I felt bad I actually shot pretty good!
I was really excited
Each time we shoot a score, which is once a week, we have to shoot 60 arrows a night
Its broken down to 5 arrows at a time and you shoot 12 (times) rows
First 6 you have your target on the top of the blocks, second 6 you move it to the bottom
So each time you shoot 5 arrows the best score is a possibility of 25
The X's are worth 5 and extra good lol
The white ring is worth 5pts and each ring on the way out goes down in points
You shoot from 20 yards
A total amount of 300 points are possible for the night and 25 for each row
This was the first night I got my first 25/25 on a row
AND I did it twice
I was pretty stoked for just starting out this year
I shot a 255 which is on the higher end of my average
Dad wanted a picture of my first 25 :)
Parker and Kinlie were reenacting the bear fight scene from Brave..
He might have gotten a bloody nose
You know you're officially in momhood when your day revolves around poop

For Kennedy's upcoming appointment at PCMC they sent us a survey to fill out..
a bowel survey
We got to hang out with Miss RyBug a lot this week
Shes too much fun!
One day I also had Kinlie
Ry loves Kinlie
she was headbutting her and giving her kisses
The girls were coloring on the floor and Ry was sure she needed too also
She mostly just drooled over the coloring books
One day we had a shopping adventure and went to Apple Creek
They have carts now!
She wouldnt keep one shoe on and held the pickles. She kept sliding them up in the cart and would laugh as they slid
Happy Girl!
She LOVES cuddling with Aunt Jessy
She snuggles right up on me and likes to be held like a baby
She doesnt really let anyone else hold her like that
Peanut fell asleep and was so sweet
Oh Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy
Shes been full of fire lately
She has a few kids
She plans on having 100 kids
Only 3 boys
But we agreed she is going to skip being a teenager and wont date or even think about boys until shes 22
I told her she was NOT allowed to become a teenager
She said "Well mom, sorry but thats just a part of life. You'll have to deal with it"
I told her to go get on shoes so we could leave
Apparently I should have been more specific because she said I did lets go!
I should have said put on YOUR shoes.. not mine
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