A while ago Todd had told me I needed to start watching this TV series called Longmire
I had saw Season 1 was available on Netflix but really wasnt sure. I have a hard time starting into new series because so many of them suck and are dumb. Finally this week I caved. OH MY GOSH! I LOVE IT! Before I knew it I was at episode 8 of season 1. I knew Chris had to watch it. Our awesome neighbors.. whoever you maybe have an open wifi network woo woo! So we bought a HDMI cord for the laptop and hooked that baby into the TV. We spend a lot of Friday and Saturday watching the first 8 episodes. I made myself stop watching and wait for Chris to catch up. Chris hates watching TV unless its the news or nap time. He is hooked on this show! Totally a must watch!
Friday night was Kennedy's weekend with her dad but she only ended up staying Friday night. Chris and I had a little impromptu date night. There are 2 things you probably dont know about me.
#1 Simple things make me happy
#2 About this time of year I get REALLY REALLY restless. I CRAVE mountains and trees and hunting. Its almost like a sickness lol! I can make it all summer with out camping thats fine. But once we get just that tiny hit of fall coming.. I go nuts. All I can think about is pine tree air, seeing animals, camo..I truly get high strung over it.
So Friday nights date was perfect! We grabbed some Taco Time. I had been wanting it so bad! Then what started as just running an errand or two ended up as a long drive on dirt roads looking for animals. Just me and the hubbs :) I love it. We dont have to DO things to be happy. Just hanging out talking about anything and everything is enough. We checked some water levels for the upcoming duck hunt in a few places. Then we went to one spot he always sees a buck to see if he was out. He wasnt. There is a place for a few years in a row I have seen this 2pt with pretty white antlers. We have been checking lately to see if he's grown and darkened up.
I love to hunt. But just because I hunt doesn't mean I don't respect the animals. I really do. I love seeing them out in the open. I love searching for them and being able to pick them out of their natural camouflage. I will sit and watch a doe with her fawns even though its 'just a doe'. From pheasants to elk to doves.. I love to find and watch wildlife. I respect where the meat comes from we harvest and it actually means a lot to me. It makes me tear up a little after Ive shot a deer or elk. I am very thankful for the meat and love the hunt. But I understand the finality of it all too and what it means to take their life.
We were driving along one spot and something caught my eye. Deer just REALLY stand out to me. I saw her ears as she was laying down in the weeds. I made Chris stop and I pulled up the binos. He couldnt believe I could spot her driving down the road on a turn. Here is a much closer view of where shes hiding at. Can you see her?
So we went down a different road instead and found her fawns too. Healthy little buggers. Chris spotted them with the binos crawling around in the back brush
See her now that shes standing?
After that we went to check a few more places
I spotted a doe standing at the edge of a corn field
I spotted a doe standing at the edge of a corn field
We took a venture down Herold Crane just for fun
He LOVES it when I take his picture and try to get him to smile :) cant you tell
We walked out onto the dried mud for a minute
I love the look of it!
What a perfect fun simple night.
Nothing better than getting to spend time with each other! Thanks baby!
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