Monday morning I came into work to hear some sad news. Our Morgan Animal control officer had been involved in an ATV accident over the night and had passed. We have a lot of people we dispatch for that we only ever hear on the radio. We have very minimum interaction with since we handle for two counties. About 2 1/2 years ago when Paula first started she messaged me on Facebook and said hi. She told me she was the new animal control girl for Morgan and she appreciated us dispatchers so much. From that point on we were Facebook friends. She would message me at times and tell me how she wanted us dispatchers to know how great we were and how much she loved working with us. She was always commenting on pictures and posts. She always made sure during Telecommunications week to send a message to say the sweetest things. Although we never met in person I knew about some of her life struggles , her son, her new marriage and how completely happy she was in life. It broke my heart to hear how she passed so suddenly.
Monday was also the start of Telecommunications week in dispatch. All the agencies make us posters we hang around. That same day the poster for Morgan County Sheriffs office showed up with this on it..
A few of us from dispatch decided it was only right we went to her viewing and payed respects. 3 of us made the trek to Coalville to let her family know how sweet she was to us. How if we ever had a problem she more than willing to help and how great she was to work with.
We had a horrible wind storm blow in this week, like 50 mph winds. We were paged to a grass fire in Perry to assist. I was so excited. The area the fire was in is dense weeds and perfect for a good fire. We got there and two power poles had snapped and made a tiny fire that was put out before we got there.
The start of the day the temps were high 60s. The temps started to drop and snow started to come down in the mountains
then it moved to the backyard
I didnt get a picture of the end but I stole one from my mom. We got this much snow! The next day it was all melted and gone!
In December we bought Ducks Unlimited Calendars. Each calendar is an entry for the 52 week gun giveaway. They give away a gun once a week. This week I opened my email and saw this!!!

Janas birthday is on the 27th but the next week or two for us both is packed so she got her present this week! I took her out to lunch at Bellas and then we went for pedicures. She had mentioned she needed one and I had never had one in my life so I figured why not! I found a spa/salon in Ogden and we tried it out. I was super impressed! They were decent priced and did a really good job! The girls didn't believe us that we weren't sisters. They said then we had to be mom and daughter. We laughed at them again and said nope! Happy Birthday Jana!
Kennedy has been wanting her hair cut for a while and weve been back and forth over it. She wants it cut and then she doesnt and then she does again. She had been out jumping on the trampoline and came inside to get ready to leave. Her hair was RIDICULOUS. She started crying as I was trying to fight through the knots and food in her hair and said just cut it off mom! So I grabbed the scissors and did just that. She is in love with her new hair.
Her plants in her princess planter started growing. I told her look you have baby plants! She rolled her eyes at me and said those are seedlings NOT baby plants.
This weekend we got a bunch of free wood from Brents place. We got a trailer load full.
and on the way back from getting the trees we stopped at Derek and Ashs to help Derek redo part of their sprinkler system that had been leaking. Briggs had been a stinker and needed some Auntie time. About 5 minutes into it he was so asleep he couldnt even close his eyes or mouth.
The boys had worked on it for quite a while. We layed out in the grass enjoying the sun as they worked but it was way past lunch time so us girls ran to McDonalds for lunch. We had a picnic out on the grass.
It only took a few hours but they got it done and it doesnt leak anymore!
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