I ordered new boots.. my last ones I had for over 5 years and completely worn them out. I tried a new brand solely because of how cute the boots were. I saw these breast cancer boots and couldnt pass it up! They even have the little ribbons on the boot pulls. I LOVE THESE BOOTS. They are SO very comfortable and I didnt even need to break them in. Best part is Chris is jealous. He wants his own pair and has emailed the company to see if he can get a pair in his size.
My EMT class only has a few weeks left. I had another big block test this week. It is the last test before my final and I was super excited to get my highest score so far.
Tuesday night was a C.O.P.S event to get fallen Sgt Wrides family to DC to hear the reading of his name. Chick Fil A was doing a fundraiser that if you went to their restaurant between 4 and 8pm and told them you were there for the event they would donate part of the proceeds. I told Chris we needed to go. I met him once he got off work and was on his way to class for a quick dinner. We were happy to support a good cause.
Miss K... where do we even start with her!
She still has been on a kick the last few weeks about how she is so grown up and shes ready to stay home by herself. She is adamant she can. She has been asking NON STOP to be able to stay home alone. The other night we decided to give it a little try. We had to run some garbage up to my parents can because ours was full. They live 4 blocks to the east of us. She needed to shower and get ready for bed. I told her to go in and shower and we would be right back. That the door was locked and to not go outside or open the door for anyone. Just shower and get her pjs on and we would be back. You should have seen her smile. It was huge! Grinning from ear to ear. So we left. The neighbors were home. We were 4 blocks away. Shes inside with the doors locked. I figured I could handle it. I was more worried about me than her! We just ran straight to my parents and were back in less than 5 minutes. I walk in the door and I can hear her just bawling in the shower. I thought maybe she had fallen or got shampoo in her eyes or something. I open the curtain and she is sobbing, snot running down her face crying so hard shes ready to throw up. I cant see any blood..I cant see any bruising and she looks physically ok so I asked her what was wrong. She sobs out I was so afraid someone would break into the house or I would get kidnapped. I had to close the shower curtain so I didnt laugh. I reassured her she was safe in the house and she didnt need to worry. No one was going to break in or kidnap her we just locked the doors to be safe and not to worry. She told me over and over she is NOT old enough to stay home alone. That next morning she came down and told me how Im not allowed to think about leaving her home alone until shes at least in 2nd grade. We can think about trying it again when shes 9. She has been adamant since shes not allowed to be left home alone. That independence was short lived!
She had to go on an errand with Chris one night while I was still in class. They were sitting in the truck together and she told him "Dad you need to buy me a notebook.. one of those big spiral ones. Then I can write down all my memories of us in there because we are making a lot of good memories together" awww I cried when he told me that. She is so sweet and loves Daddy Chris so much.
She came home from church with this attached to a popsicle. They told the kids if they watched conference they could have their treat. She hung it on the fridge so she wouldn't forget.
She also needed to clean her room so she could dye Easter eggs. We put conference on her radio so she could listen and clean at the same time. I went inside to check on her and found her wearing her Disney on Ice tattoo sleeve while listening to conference and cleaning. She cracks me up.
We were full of house projects the same day. We needed to run into Tractor Supply store. She brought her purse because she really wanted to buy something. She keeps all kinds of things in her purse.. lipgloss, binoculars, toys, money, books..the important things. She was looking for deer on the way to the store.
She bought some Chicken Poop Chapstick, a princess zinia garden and a cherry coke. She was on cloud nine!

I found an adorable sign for our kitchen
Her room was finally clean and it was time to dye eggs!
and time for Chris to take a nap
That night my mom was going to the Cache Archers year end banquet. Her and Dad are members of there also. He was at work so I was her date. We had a nice dutch oven dinner. I wont a half dozen arrows and ended up being the highest bidder on a silent auction for a perfect anniversary present I found for Chris. It was a pretty good night!
1 comment:
That story of getting to stay home alone is too sweet. Yeah, that independence was short lived for sure! ha ha.
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