Sunday morning me, Chris Taylor and Steve (Tays dad) headed up to the basin to go hunt our extended archery hunt. Miss K goes to church with Tammy on Sundays so we just dropped her off a little extra early so they could have snuggles and watch cartoons. We left Willard about 5:30 in the morning.
This is why I love hunting. Watching the sunrise in the beautiful stillness of the morning from a mountain top.. cant beat that.
It was still pretty dark so we waited at the top of Willard Basin for the sun to come up a little more.
We saw some deer but nothing we could get a shot at. They were in a clearing and headed uphill.
We went to few of the usual spots to look but kept running into people. We decided to go up to Inspiration Point just for fun. Its the first trip of the year up there for us. The views are as good as always!
Looking towards the west at Willard Bay
To the south.. North Ogden and Ogden.
Back to the east.
and to the north east
Chris, Taylor and Steve
We were glassing to the south where we usually see mountain goats and there was a herd of about 8-10 goats. Taylor got out his spotting scope and we started looking at them.
A few minutes later this red Yamaha Rhino pulls up next to us with two older guys in it. The dad was in his late 70's to 80's. His son with him had to be into his 60's. They told us the dad had a goat tag (lucky bugger its a once in a life time tag) We told them we were watching a group and showed them where. They took their atv just down below us on the road and started hiking towards them. The dad was on oxygen with a wheeled tank with him. He had just gotten out of the hospital Monday (the day the hunt opened. Its only a 14 day hunt) and had been up on the mountain every day since. He had some medical issues (not sure what but he has some neuropathy in his legs and something had recently happened to his brain that he was in the hospital for until Monday) that left his equilibrium all messed up.
We were excited watching them go. The son was carrying the gun, a metal chair for the dad so he could rest and his oxygen tank. They made their way down the trail. The goats were about 360 yards from where we were and had just gone over a little draw that they couldn't see them. While they were walking that way the goats started to come around the bottom and back towards us. We tried like hell to flag them down when they stopped but it wasn't working. You can see them on the trail at the top of the picture and the goats starting to come around on the bottom. They were right at the perfect angle that they couldn't see them.
More and more of the herd filed out of the draw. There was a really nice billy in there.
Sorry the quality sucks but it was through my binoculars.
They kept walking and walking and the goats kept going the opposite direction. Finally Chris had enough and took off down the trail after them to turn them around. We really really wanted to see this guy get a shot! We were hoping he would while we were there so we could pack it out for him. Its on a pretty steep incline and high in elevation. Taylor followed behind Chris. Steve and I stayed with our atvs and spotting scopes and bows. We kept watch on the herd and kept the boys updated by text and phone calls of which way to head. Chris got them turned around and headed back. Taylor hiked down to just above the herd to try and turn them.
This picture makes me want to tear up. I love Chris and his big heart so much. Im so proud to be his wife. Hes helping the complete stranger we just met walk and carrying his gun and chair for him.

The herd had moved more towards Steve and I. Theyd also started working their way down hill. Taylor was on a little rock pile watching 2 bed down below him and a kid that wanted to play. You can see Taylor on the rock and the young goat below him....
but whats even more awesome is Taylor's view!! I was so jealous. I mean that's not something that happens every day!
The guys all hiked back closer to where we were but the goats had moved below us on a cliff and were in a really steep area. We tried for a good 2 hours at least to get the goat for them but it just didnt work out.
While they boys were down there on the hill I was still staying with all our stuff and watching for more goats. Steve had hiked down to Chris and the guys to tell them where they disappeared to. This guy and girl came up on a four wheeler and were looking off Inspiration. They came over and visited with me for a few minutes and then walked back across the parking lot. I just glanced over towards them and they were hugging and hugging and I though to myself I am pretty sure they just got engaged! So I tried to not be a complete creeper but I was totally sneaking glances at them to decide. Her ring was sparking like crazy and I was pretty positive I didnt notice it before. So when she went to take a selfie with her him and the ring I walked over to her and said "no.. we cant have that. You just got engaged you need a proper picture!" And took a pict for them. I was feeling a little nostalgic because one day prior 3 years ago is when Chris proposed to me :) Aww love is in the air!
All the guys walked back to their Rhino. We sat and talked with them for a little bit. They were so in shock we would spend our hunting time trying to help them. I dont think they realized we were wanting them to shoot one as bad as they were! Chris was so cute. His dad asked him how hunting was and he said "amazing! It was the best day ever! I dont care if we didnt shoot anything I had so much fun!"
We headed back off the mountain and got home just before noon. Thats the same time K gets out of church. We gave her time to eat her after church snack with Grandma and then picked her up. We had a family nap time. K asleep in her room, Chris in his recliner and me on the couch. We did a few things around the house.. went to Sunday dinner in our camo clothes and then went out hunting for the night in a different spot. Taylor and K came with us. We all went in the side by side. Man I love that thing! The fall leaves are starting to turn colors. Kennedy slept the entire time. She was awake about 5 minutes into it and was out the rest of the time.
The sun looked crazy through the clouds and smoke in the air.
We saw a few nice bucks but werent able to get a shot off at one. For archery you really need to be under 60-70 yards. Ideally 20-30 yards to make a clean ethical shot. We had a good buck at 30 yards but by the time we got stopped he had ran into some trees and up a hill. The closest we could get was 100 yards.
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