Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Spelling, Deer hunting and wood shed

This week I started school again. This is my last schooling woo woo! I took this class years ago.. 10 years ago to be exact. Only then you were called an Intermediate. The class was 60 hours long. You could intubate and do manual defibrillation. When you started the class it went right into advanced skills because to enroll you have to be a Basic already.
Well now its called Advanced. They took away intubation. You can only do superglottic airways instead and no more manual defib. Of course you can still do IV's and push a bunch more drugs than a basic.. but the class is now 160 hours, a national curriculum and 90% of the book is basic skills, which is still a prerequisite.
 Go figure more school for less work.
Kennedy has been doing well in school. She is still great at math and loves reading. She had her first spelling test and got 100% which is normal for her. BUT the teacher told them they could do challenge words if they wanted. She wasnt going to at first but then decided to challenge herself and got 100%. For doing so good and trying we went out for ice cream to celebrate.
We have spent a lot of time hunting up behind our house. Its so nice that the extended unit can start in our backyard. I mean seriously. Look at these views!

 We have been loving the side by side and take it out almost every night. Kennedy usually cant make it to the canal road before she is OUT. Taylor ends up having to hold her head up for her because shes so asleep. Its a lot nicer having her seat belted and doored in the back seat asleep than on the back of a wheeler!

Ive passed on some small 2pts and a few does.. but now its time to take anything. Between work and school and the other tags I have coming up my time to hunt deer is getting very slim. Hopefully this next week Ill have a buck or doe down!
 Chris's bff and boss has been building a new house so hes been spending any freetime he can there helping him. Friday they did floor trusses all day long. It was hot and he took his shirt off but still had his tool belt on. He got some sweet tan lines he was super proud of. 
 We also have added onto our woodshed out back. We had 2 more sections to go and need a place to store the 4 wheeler. We got the frame and 3/4 of the tin up this weekend.

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