After our little adventure to Cabelas we went back on KSL and the guy still had the size 3 waders for sale.. we text him.. and I went to pick them up after work Tuesday. They are $90 at Cabelas.. and we scored these 'used' for $45.. I was SO happy because I had spent months searching. I couldnt find anything smaller. She may not walk in them for a little bit ha but they work! After all this excitement I found out from a friend there is a place online Oaki Wear that makes them clear down to a 2T!!! @*(&$^&%#%^@ But these were half that price and will last for a few year so its still ok. She is so excited for duck season now! She had to model them.. shes holding a duck in this one..
I have had a headache for a good week straight and just not felt awesome.. just run down.. tired.. headache is behind my eyes which just feel tired and it doesnt really go away.. my food tastes funny.. its a mess. NO IM NOT PREGNANT. BUT we had to go to Walmart last night.. I needed hairspray and lotion.. I wanted some dill pickles.. and some ice cream. I set them both up on the counter and started laughing. Thankfully I dont want them together! Chris went to drill that night and I decided to stay home. I was just tired. I couldnt decide what ice cream I wanted.. so I bough two containers.. and had some of both! Cookies and cream and mint chocolate chip. I made it clear to 730 before I decided it was bed time. My theory was go to bed early and I might finally feel better..Im sure Im just sleep deprived.
I was almost asleep.. Kennedy text she was on her way home..Chris came home.. turned on lights.. told me stories of the night (which was fine I like his stories) Kennedy came and cuddle with me for a minute then got ready for bed. It was 830 by this point. Chris watched tv til the news came on. I was almost asleep again and he came in to get into the shower. He sat on the bed and talked to me some. The wind started kicking up bad. Howling. Then the rain hit and he got into the shower. I told him before you get out of the shower the pager WILL go off so you better hurry. I tried to go to sleep and the lightening was SO bright through our windows that it was impossible. He was showering and guess what.. the pager went off..

He BAILS out of the shower with a trail of water behind him. Its to assist Brigham fire with a possible grass fire on the mountain in Perry. Hes running around like crazy.. clothes flying.. Im just laughing. I get an "I love you baby" and hear tires squealing. Well hell now I cant sleep. Its just before 10pm. I saw this meme and couldnt stop laughing... how appropriate
The thunder is loud. The rain is pouring. The lightening is so bright. Got the adrenaline rush from the tones of the pager.. ya sleeps not happening right now. So I went and turned off the lights, cleaned up the trail of water, shut the front door and turned on the porch light for him. Went and checked on Peanut to see if she was scared from the weather.. she was out cold. I went out to see the weather and to see if I could get any pictures of the lightening.
This is what it looked like outside looking towards the mountains.
and this is how much the lightening was lighting up the night sky!! Our bedroom window faces east (and this is to the east) No flash on my phone or anything.. just simply the light from the storm
I went back inside and just fell asleep when Chris came home about 10:45. I asked him how the call was and he laughed. He didnt make the truck. He was at the station chit chatting with his bff Taylor and catching up on the news that apparently he missed at drill an hour and a half before. All I could do was just laugh at him. He cracks me up. The fire ended up NOT being a fire.. but one of our friends..whose on the fire dept.. was up on a road on the mountain with his friend driving around watching the lightening. Someone on the highway saw his taillights and thought it was a fire...
So I finally get to sleep around 11. Kennedy comes into our room at 130 crying because she has grow pains. I give her some medicine and we go on the couch to cuddle. The best way I've found to get rid of them for her is medicine and cuddling while I rub her knees. The heat helps take away the pain. We spread out some blankets on the couch (I cant fit in her bed ha!) We snuggle under the minky and I rub her knees til we both fall asleep. I wake up at 3 freezing because she stole all the covers and her feet are in my stomach as she keeps kicking me in her sleep. Only an hour and a half til I have to be up for work. I head back to bed and fall asleep. So much for my plan of extra sleep tonight! Not gonna happen lol
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