Sunday, December 1, 2013


Thanksgiving morning Chris went out duck hunting. I let Kennedy sleep in and got to work on my desserts. I made two pumpkin pies, one strawberry cream pie and these fun treats. Rice Krispy treat drumsticks. Put on some brown and orange sprinkles just to make them a little more festive.
Chris got home from hunting about 1130 and we headed for his moms house at noon. We got there around 1. He took a nap.
 Then it was lunch time at 2. We had a wonderful meal. Turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes, ham, green bean casserole, rolls, two types of stuffing. It was very good! They had tables set up in the garage so there was plenty of room for everyone. 
Derek and Ask
 JaNeale and Jimmy
 Miss K in her new Thanksgiving outfit, she was so excited to get new a holiday outfit. Hunter and Ry
 Zola (JaNeales Mom)
 Oh Chris....
 Ry chowing down on a krispy drumstick
 And then it was naptime again for Chris. He ate way too much and it was over.. as he cuddled with his My Little Pony
 He took one more nap and then we headed to his Dad and Janas house. My mom was going to go down to his parents for Thanksgiving since my dad worked but she got sick. So it was just Todd, Jana, and us 3. We tried to get a family picture.. but miss K slept the entire way home and still wasnt awake when we tried. 
 We .. Ok I .. had another round of Thanksgiving at Todd and Janas.. just some turkey, prime rib and sweet potatoes and we were off to Walmart. Jana had TOLD me earlier that week I was going with Todd for 'grey Thursday' to help him get a tv. She doesnt have the patience for large shopping crowds.. in fact she HATES it. Chris didn't want to go either so it was going to be just Todd and I going. I didn't mind at all and laughed when she 'volunteered' me to go. Todd LOVES shopping and he loves Black Friday. It cracks me up. Chris decided he couldn't miss out on all the fun and wanted to come with us. We only needed one thing. They wanted the 60 inch Vizio Tv. They have had an old analog tv forever and this one was on a great deal. We got to the Perry Walmart at a quarter to six. IT WAS PACKED!! The ENTIRE parking lot everywhere. The road. The Peak parking lot. That new strip mall parking lot to the east. Cars lined the roads and went down the roads. It was crazy. I wasnt sure how this was going to go. We went in through the lawn and garden center where we noticed they had a cash register open. We headed back towards automotive where they said the tv's were supposed to be. We got back there and didnt see a stack of tvs. I head an associate ask a guy are you looking for the tvs. I tracked him down and asked him where the line was and where we needed to be. He said right here. Here you go, handed me a tag, and said you cant check out til 6. Then just drive around back and pick up the tv. WHAT!?? Thats it?????
So we high tailed it to the lawn and garden center to check out.. where we were the only people in line. We had to wait six minutes for it to be 6. Seriously. That was all the line waiting.. waiting to check out etc. That freaking simple and they saved almost $400 on the tv they wanted. We pulled around back where it was clearly marked and had two one way lanes made up with cones. Handed the people the receipt and tag and they loaded it in the truck and we left. We were seriously out of there by 6:15.
 It took them longer to install the tv than to buy it!!
Happy new tv!
Jana made a bunch of food in containers for me to take up to mom since she couldnt make it down. I took her dinner and visited for a minute. 
Chris got a fire going

and we relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the night!

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