Friday morning Kennedy got all ready for school. It was her last day before Christmas vacation.
It was also pajama day. She of course had to wear her Santa hat too! We sent a treat in for her teacher also. A cute plastic mason jar cup full of candy cane kisses that say "Merry Kissmass"

After that I headed over to pick up Jana. We had some shopping to do for the day. When I got there Todd (who was already at work) had made us cinnamon rolls! How sweet was that! I am too lucky!
We finished up our shopping. Picked up Kennedy. Ran to Apple Creek to get some meats. Chris was out plowing. He got called in at 0300 and was SUPPOSED to be done by 10. But at 9 he called and said he was headed to Logan now. He didnt know when he was going to be home. He finally made it around 230. He was exhausted of course. We had plans that night but he was beat and knew he was going to get called out in the morning too. So we called it an easy night instead. I worked on Christmas presents.
This is an ice cream sundae box.
I also spent all weekend baking and making treats! I made a bunch of loaves of bread. Then I put together these too
Kennedy had a tough lesson to learn today. It broke my heart. Chris and I had done some talking and decided it was probably best if we got rid of Bailey the yellow lab. The one Kennedy is in love with. She isnt happy being outside and neither one of us want her inside. She barks at night. She keeps tearing apart the kennel. We are talking like once a night/day. It doesn't matter if she just has been out to play or not. She tears apart the chain link, which wouldn't be a big deal except when she gets out the first thing she does is run right across the highway with Tank in tow. She had just came into heat and was out of control. There were some days we were having to chase her down twice a day. Chris would let the dogs out to play while he was outside working on something and turn around and she would be gone. We were terrified we were going to find both of them hit on the highway. Chris decided it was probably best if we found her a home that wanted her inside and would make her happier. So we put her on KSL and waited. There was a guy in Utah county who wanted her. She has great blood lines. He wanted her as an inside dog and a hunting dog. He drove up Friday to not even see her, but come pick her up. We had been upfront with Kennedy and told her Bailey was going to be going we just weren't sure when. The guy was on his way up and we let the dogs in to give them a bath
As soon as Chris walks into the bathroom our tub is full of junk. There was a spot that had a clog in it so it backed up into our tub... sigh. He spent the next hour snaking the drain and getting the clog loose while he took buckets full of nasty water out. After that ordeal is done which included crawling in the crawlspace, its time for their bath. He bathed Bailey and told Kennedy to come give her last loves. She was a crying mess. She made Chris who was trying to be so tough have second thoughts and get all teared up.
We explained to her again how happy Bailey would be at her new house and it would be for the best so she wouldnt run across the highway. We let her watch the guy play with her through the window and then he put her in the front seat of his tuck with him. It made Kennedy feel a little better but her little heart was still broken. Dad got full charge of fixing peanuts heart.
After the traumatics of her leaving we went over to Todd and Janas for dinner. They had cooked extra and invited us over. We ended up eating later than planned. Kyle (the brother from the other mother Kyle) Karli and their two kids showed up to visit. Zack and Taylor stopped by too. Kennedy, Dominik and Kesleigh all played upstairs forever. Laughing and watching movies. Chris made it until about 9 o'clock before he was done. I told him we had to get a pict to send to one of our friends who wasn't there before he went to bed and then he was out.
It was such a fun night just hanging out and bsing. I love it! The kids had a blast. We had a blast. It was perfect except for my exhausted hubby.
He ended up making it til a whole 0400 before he got called back into plow again.
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