Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Part Two and Three

After I got off work I stopped and picked up Chris and Kennedy and we headed to my parents house for Christmas. We had some delicious ham and potatoes. I was starving! I knew we had two dinners to go to so I waited to eat! Kennedy was so excited to see her present from Grandma and Grandpa. She has been wanting a doll that looks like her so bad. 
 We gave Mom and Dad their presents. Dane, Elysha, Parker, Kyle and Liz were there too and had already done their presents while waiting for us.
Chris had to steal Macee as soon as we walked in. We opened presents and got a fire extinguisher (we wanted one!) Some cute kitchen mits and towels, a kettle for our fire place, a rolling pin, and a cute hair thing.
 Zack came and stopped by to visit and bring some gifts
 Macee loves the taste of thumb. She has teeth coming in
 We hung out at my parents for a while eating, watching videos on youtube and having fun. After that we had to head to Todd and Janas where Ash and Derek were waiting for us to get there to open presents.  They had a meat tray, shrimp and a ton of desserts that I once again gorged myself on. It was all so yummy!
 Kennedy and Ry bug went to town opening presents

 Kennedy and Ry opening their big gift from Grandma and Grandpa
 Kennedy got a new pink camo comforter she just loves.
 Ry took a little longer to open hers
 Uncle Chris had to help her some. Her very own pink recliner with sippy cup holder

 Then they had to open their presents from Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Roy
 They got cute princess table and chair sets for their rooms
 Chris playing trucks with the girls
 We were so completely spoiled by everyone! Thank you!! Kennedy kept saying all day long this is the best Christmas I have ever had!
As soon as we got home we had to fill our kettle up with water and put it on the fire place 
(It keeps your house air moist so it doesnt get so dry in the winter)

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