Saturday, March 10, 2012

3-11 One year of learning

One thing Ive learned each day is a new day
A new time to start over
A new opportunity
Yesterday is the past
We cant change it
We cant undo
We cant take away the pain or the hurt or fix what we've done
That was yesterday
Not today
Each day we are given a chance to start over
Our attitude decides our day
Dwelling on what happened yesterday, or last week, or last month, or five years ago doesn't do anyone any good at all
We cant fix it
We cant control others
We cant control their actions
So if we cant change these things why spend time worrying about them???
We can reflect
Take it as a learning experience
And we get to start over the next day and improve
We need to let go of the bad
Cant let it weigh you down

Ive learned to hold onto good things in life
Life is too short
Too much can happen
Don't spend time waiting
If something good comes into your life hang onto it
Seize the opportunity
Don't turn it away if its what you really want

There is no place for fear
Fear makes us question ourselves
Our choices
It makes us second guess
We know what we want out of things in our life but fear makes us hold back
Fear makes us feel inadequate
We are NOT

Ive learned that the best way to get through things or to heal is to use the people around you in life that want to help
We cant do it on our own no matter how much we think we can
We need people in our lives
We need to love and be loved
To give and receive
We are given people in our lives to help us
To heal us
Use them

Spend less time focusing on the negative or things that are out of our control
Spend more time counting your blessings
If you want to see the negative you will find it in anything
I'd rather spend my time looking at the positive.

Don't be afraid to take chances in life
We weren't made to stand still

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