Wednesday, August 10, 2016

K's East Canyon and Bay fireworks

This week Kennedy went up to East Canyon with my mom Wednesday night and I picked her back up Friday after work. She LOVES LOVES LOVES getting to go to East Canyon with Grandma. She made new friends, swam twice a day and played her little heart out! When I got there she was still in the pool. Shes really worked on her swimming skills!

She fell asleep about 10 minutes after we left, slept the whole way home and then crashed on the couch afterwards. Im pretty sure Grandma wore her out!
Friday all day Todd and Chris were out on the Broad Mouth fire. I had to spend the night irrigating
Saturday Todd and Chris were back out at Broad Mouth all day (and when I say all day I mean leaving the house at 5am and coming home about 11pm both days)
Kennedy and I finished up her school supply shopping and had a girls lunch with Sushi (one of her favorites) Then we went and helped Grandma Jana paint the foundation at their old house and straight from there to setting up fireworks for the Night out at the Bay.
Kennedy thought it was awesome because she got to help us set up. She even filled boxes with water bottles and carried them around to everyone making sure they had drinks. She helped pick up all the garbage too. Then when the fireworks started she went with one of the girls on the departments husband and kids and watched them and played.
 Our fireworks were pretty awesome this year. We had these cool ones that came out as little glows and shot into the water, then they shot back out like this!

 Were down to just under 2 weeks until the hunt opens! Ive been trying to get in as much practice as possible but its just not been happening much!

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