Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Jana wanted to have the grandkids over to make sugar cookies. They of course needed moms help too! She had made 2 batches of dough the night before. We helped the kids flour and roll out the dough and cut it. We had some Christmas tree cookie cutters but mostly we used the fireman ones she had!

 It was such a mess. Before we knew it the girls had flour fingerprints on their faces, Ash and I were both covered in flour and so was the ground.

 Jana was our picture taker, cookie sheet baker and dough getter. We kept her busy!

 All the cookies were baked
 Then it was clean up time

 and cookie frosting time!

 Briggs and Derek showed up with pizza. Chris was downstairs napping. Poor guy had only maybe 2 hours of sleep through the whole night from being called in.

 Chris slept for a while. Derek, Ash and the kids left. Then I went downstairs to lay on the couches by the fire and ended up taking a nap. When I woke up Chris had gone home. K was watching cartoons with Grandma and Todd was at the store. It was 3:30 and we were having a little Christmas Eve get together at 4 at Todd and Janas.  I ran home to change my flour covered clothes and get the gifts I needed. 
When I walked in the door the music was BLARING. The fire place roaring and Chris was standing at the kitchen sink shirtless and in his pajama bottoms. I was so confused. He does NOT take off even his shoes during 'daytime hours' let alone to have his pajamas on. I just starred at him and he started laughing. Finally I figured out what he was doing....
We had taped our ceiling the night before to paint in our bedroom. All of the ceilings in our house match the wall colors and we want to turn them all white. Brighten up the rooms some and make the tint not so yellow. He had gone home and painted our bedroom ceiling. He took off his shirt so he didnt get paint all over his clothes and put on his pj bottoms for the same reason lol
It made our bedroom so much lighter and normal colored. I cant wait to paint the walls in there too but next we're going to paint our living room ceiling!
Zack stopped by while I was getting our stuff to take over and he was headed to Todd and Janas next to deliver presents. We had a big buffet of 7 layer tip, little smokies, cheese balls, pastries, chips and salsa and about everything else you could think of. He stayed for dinner and then headed to his parents. Grandma and Grandpa were there too. We played 2 rounds of 5 Crowns, listened to the Santa ATL and headed home to wait for the fat man. Id taken Kennedys Christmas Eve present over with us so she was already in her jammies and waiting!

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