Thursday, April 7, 2011

Treehouse Museum and Costa Vida

We had plans to go to Baby Animal Days up in Wellsville..for like 2 weeks. But Utah forgot it was supposed to be spring and the whole day it rained and snowed. MarDee ended up being sick also. So Hailey and I took Kennedy and Brooklyn to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden. Honestly I don't know if I'll ever go back! There were SO many kids there. It was spring break... there was pretty much 3 elementary schools worth of children there running all over the place. SO much to see and do. It was a neat place though.

Hailey and Brooklyn
Our state
And the state I'll some day get to visit!
President Kennedy.. get it.. haha
President Brooklyn
And President Hailey
Kennedy would only ride THIS horse. She waited forever. I think its because it looked so much like Echo
It was raining when we were done playing there still. It was about the same distance to our cars as it was to Costa Vida so we just walked there instead of trying to find a parking spot!
Oh Costa Vida how I love you!!

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