Saturday, January 11, 2014

Week 2- Trains, Trax and Fires

Monday I get home from my 12 hour shift and Chris has dinner ready. I love him. Kennedy shows me her note from school that its her birthday week. I had remembered for MONTHS that we needed to do a poster and her birthday week at school was coming up. Right up until the week before her birthday. Something about Christmas vacation, Christmas etc I forgot. Well we need a poster for school tomorrow with all her stuff on it. So we ate dinner, went to Walmart and let her pick out her poster board and went to my parents to print off pictures. We started printing off pictures and I realized Kennedy is kind of a badass. I mean really she is. How many 5 year olds hobbies are hunting (several species) fishing, four wheeling, snowmobiling, shooting their bow... and the list goes on and on. She wants to be a firefighter and a veterinarian when she grows up. She loves pink, purple, camo and dolls. 
Oh and she HAD to have her poster board have her full name on it.
Kennedy Jeigh Curfew Richards
She is a Richards. Ask her.
I was going through some old pictures and found this one of the twins jumping on my bed when I was little. I was shocked at how much Kennedy looks like Elyshas pictures. Elysha is the one in the grey. 
Tuesday Kennedys sisters took her out to dinner and shopping for her birthday. She was really excited. She doesnt get to see her sisters much and loves spending time with them. 
This was my Tuesday at work.
Trax vs Person on my channel
(all these work picts are from news sites)
This was my Wednesday (which thankfully was my friday)
Train derailment..

 It had been a long week. I have been exhausted lately. Kennedy had her first night of archery again Wednesday. They started a new class. I was tired, I had a long week. I wasnt cooking. I text Chris and told him he was on his own for dinner. We have to be at archery at 5 in Brigham. He gets off work at 4:30 in Ogden. Plus I had to get gas and go to Walmart after archery. I told him I was eating ice cream for dinner and he could eat whatever he wanted but I wasnt cooking. He is a very smart man. He told me he loved me and that was just fine. 
And I did eat ice cream for dinner. I ate an entire pint. 
And it was fabulous!
Thursday night after the day of Kennedy we had Macee Moo over night. 
 Friday as I was grocery shopping my Dad called and needed some help. Official business. Since Im on the fire dept for Willard Im technically an employee and can help him out with official business for his fire marshall job. He needed someone to drive a truck for him and I qualified. We had to go out to the air port in Tremonton. Load all the supplies on a brush truck. Water tank, pump, rack, tool boxes etc. So we pretty much made a brush truck
 We had to drive it to the place that was hooking all the stuff on it.
As soon as we dropped off the truck there was a call dad had to go on so I got to go with him. It was just a semi whose brakes caught on fire heading up the canyon but it was fun to run hot there. Plus I got to just sit in the truck and stay warm! It was really fun getting to hang out with Dad for the day and see part of what he does at the new job. 
 I also made my first cinnamon raisin bread. Super exciting I know :)

1 comment:

Derek and Erica said...

she really is bad ass (: