Sunday, January 5, 2014

Weekly going ons- Week 1

Its been weird not 'having' to blog every day. I still keep taking pictures like I should be and trying to remember I dont have to lol! Ive been trying to think of a new theme for this year. My mom, who yells at me if I dont blog daily, came up with the idea of 52 weeks of pictures after I said I didnt think I was going to do 365 days. So I am going to try 52 weeks of random updates, pictures, general stories etc. Although there will be posts that will still be on their own of super exciting or informative things ha!
So to start off our new week we had horrible yucky inversion. Nasty. The skies were brown and there was a clear line of gunk.

I need my hair cut this week and I went to get a hold of my hair girl and found out she moved from the place I went to in BC to Tremonton.. I really like her and her work so I figured what the hell.. its just a little bit of a drive. So I left Kennedy with Chris and headed out for a little me time. I actually really love her new place! Its so NORMAL!! Im not your usual girl. I get intimidated by hair salons! I hate feeling like I have to dress up to go in there.. and then pick apart everything about me from my eyebrows to my skin as Im sitting there with all these girls with perfect hair gossiping around me. This new place as I walked in one lady was late 40's cutting hair wearing jeans and sneakers. There was a mom with foil in her hair bouncing one baby one her knee as her toddler sat next to her. Half the clients that came in while I was there were cute little old ladies who couldn't hear. It was fabulous and so relaxed and nice! I loved it! When I was leaving I was looking at my hair and realized I have a lot of red in there now??? I started with brown hair.. dyed it brown black.. two weeks later you get this!? I always have had a tiny tiny bit of red.. like a strand here and there.. but dang!
Kennedy finally got to wear her new boots she got from Grandma JaNeale for Christmas to school. She kept saying I feel so tall in these boots! Do I look taller?? I feel taller.
We also FINALLY got our baseboards back up by the fire place. I feel so much better now. It has been driving me insane. Once we got the baseboards back on I painted the walls where it took part of the paper and paint off. Then I touched up some of the paint on the walls.. and after spending that much time closely looking at my walls I decided they were DISGUSTING! So many dirt marks, or hand prints, or dust from the fire place. I went on a mad wall cleaning spree. I HATE washing walls. HATE
After all that I needed a Diet Coke and a break
I ordered a cute new belt the other day. I needed something to go with my new Girls With Guns belt buckle and I found the PERFECT belt..
Pink camo with rhinestone crossed pistols.
Saturday after the viewing Kennedy went to Elyshas house to play. Her and Parker schemed it over lunch. Chris and I went to his parents house to chop wood. Its kind of a semi shared wood pile. It had been bothering Chris it wasn't done and the wood wasn't stacked. So we layed down a pallet, organized the wood pile and he split more wood
So when my part of the work was done I got to sit and watch Chris chop wood
Dang it was rough watching his muscles work and him sing songs
Then the jacket came off and I cheered. He started laughing and Im sure he thought I'd lost it. I told him the shirt was next.

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