Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 5- Sick, Lunch Dates and Wildland Class

This sickness that was I really hoping I was staving off hit me hard this week. 
Two days off work hard. Two days of nothing but sleeping. The whole thing settled right into my lungs and sinuses. It was yucky.
Bad enough on my worst day my mom stopped by to take Kennedy to school for me. I had such sinus pressure I was throwing up and couldnt keep anything down. She picked her up from school too and brought me some lunch. One of my most favorites. Chicken Noodle Soup from Old Grist Mill.
 She and Kennedy stopped at Walmart and got her some of her favorite TV dinners. Its a Grandma and Kennedy thing lol! Kennedy loves the $1 Banquet TV dinners with the Chicken Fingers, Mac n Cheese and the brownie.
 I managed to stay awake long enough to eat my food and it was over. I didnt stay awake more than 30 minutes consecutively that day!

When I could finally stay awake long enough we went and shot our scores for this weeks leagues. This is our date night. McDonalds and archery. Kennedy loves it. She sits at the tables and colors, plays with toys and visits with everyone. She tells them all she isnt shooting her score tonight. She shoots on Wednesdays.
Chris shoots a 5 spot and I shoot a single spot.
 I was a lot more consistent too which made me pretty happy
 We were predicted to get this big snowstorm..and it didnt happen. My friend in Southern Alabama sent me a picture of his front yard that had a few inches of snow in it. I sent him this one of our backyard with no snow.
 We had a girls lunch date this week. Me, Mom, Kennedy, Macee and Elysha went to lunch at Wingers.
Miss Moo was all smiles and laughs for us.

 We stopped by Elyshas to see her new paint job and moms deer was in the garage. Its almost done. Looks good doesnt it! This is her BIG buck she got with her bow in the Book Cliffs last year.
 Kennedy had her first dentist appointment this week. Im a slacker I know. The dentists had told me they really dont want to see kids until their teeth start falling out unless they have a problem. She was so nervous and worried about it all day long. She made a list of things to do. She carried her notebook everywhere with her all day taking notes and making lists. This one says:
Dentist. After dinner. After go to bed.
 She was not happy when they tried to take xrays of her teeth.. or clean them.. or look at them. She was stressing over everything they were going to do and wondering if it would hurt. She has gone to the dentist (even this office) twice with Chris before so that she could see what a dentist was like and what the do to you. They never hurt him but she was worried about it. She took notes on all that they did.
 They were so good with her and she relaxed finally. I about DIED when they told me how many cavities she had. I knew that she had one because I could see the hole in the tooth. This little child had 6 count them 6 cavities in her back teeth. I felt like the worst parent in the entire world. How can my child have 6!???? She brushes her teeth twice a day. She uses adult toothpaste even. I limit her to one pop a day which is normally Sprite. I don't let her have very much candy. I wanted to crawl into a hole. So from this point forward ..for a while she is banned from any candy or pop and has to be supervised while brushing her teeth or we do it for her too. They didnt fill any of her teeth and we will go back in two weeks to see how many they can get done and how well she will tolerate it.
 However this momma has had a rough week and needed some pop and candy! I was a little stressed this week. Had a lot of things going on and needed a little Diet Coke and Chocolate..for breakfast..whatever.
This has been pretty much my entire week.
Class on Tuesday. Zack and I studied on Wednesday. Class on Thursday. Study review Friday night. 
BIG test Saturday.
 I have been a little overly worried in all honesty about this Wildland test. I dont think most people understand. Chris and Todd are like Wildland geniuses. Seriously. They thrive on it. Dusty (Todds nephew) was the instructor of the class..who also is a Wildland genius. My dads the Fire Marshall who put on this class and holds his own in the fire world. So I have to do well and there is no room to fail! Todd and Chris are instructors too and were part of the group passing off our skill set for this class... so we learn a practical skill (including all the verbal bullet points) and then have to do the skill physically and hit the verbal points also. If you miss one verbal point you fail. We have to pass this skill of twice in test. Once showing we learned it and once in house testing. So then I have to go in front of Dusty, Todd, Chris and my dad at separate times and pass off these skills. Because we are related I really have to have my shit together. They're harder on me than anyone else and I have to make sure its shown I can do it so they arent just passing me off. There were other instructors there too helping with skill sets I had to pass some off with. I would much rather have passed all mine with those guys than my family! WAY less stress lol
After all that I know there is no way I can come home Saturday and tell them all I didnt pass my practicals or I think I failed the test. Of course they dont care or put the pressure on me I do it to myself. So to say the least I was a little worried about Saturday morning! 

I set my alarm early. I studied all I could this week and Friday night. I studied more Saturday morning before class and headed into Brigham for my written and practical test ( I have to pass my physical pack test sometime before springs over) Chris and Todd kept telling me not to worry and that the written test was really easy..which makes it worse because if I cant pass the easy test Im in trouble lol! As I head into Brigham the further north I get the more the snow starts coming down. By the time I pull into the Fire Dept parking lot its a full on blizzard. I pulled out my notes and started studying since I was a few minutes early and waiting for Zack to get there. Then the sweetest thing ever happened. I glance up and Todd and Jana are pulling into the parking lot. They had been in Brigham that morning running errands and they stopped by to see me to tell me good luck and not to worry. I kinda maybe got a little teary eyed during Todds pep talk. Zack pulls in and its test time. We make our way through the blizzard inside. They had been telling us the whole time we had two books we could use on the test. Our IRPG and our FireLine handbook. Theyre like reference guides you take into the field with you. Well... we get ready to start the test and they tell us we cant use our books. THANKFULLY when we start the test its not that bad! I am pretty sure I passed (we get the results in 2-4 weeks) but I really feel good about the written. Its a 100 question test and I knew a good majority of the answers. You have to get 70% to pass and I really dont feel like I missed over 30 questions. While we are sitting there taking our written test someones pager is going off non stop and we can hear it talking. Plus the station starts having engine after engine and ambulance after ambulance leaving with their sirens going. They had a MASSIVE pileup on the freeway. We are talking 22 cars and 3 semis. It was a mess and we were all missing it stuck taking out test!! We had 5 members of our department taking the test and we knew of another 4 that were gone for the day. Chris and Todd were out on the call having all the fun. They had a few big accidents and several smaller ones south of it.  I stole this pict from the news
 We finish our written test and  have to wait over an hour to start into our practical because a few of the instructors are late from the blizzard and the freeway being shut down. I just wanted to get it done instead we are sitting there studying our points like crazy and worrying about the next 3 skills. FINALLY its time to start and we did awesome. The testers were so nice and really were good with us. 
This is the last time I have to wear these green and yellow clothes til summer woo woo!

As Im heading home northbound traffic from 1100 s in Brigham City to 300 south in Willard is backed up both lanes at a stand still. Never in my life have I seen it that congested with the freeway shut down. That is  a LONG way for traffic to be backed up. Perry City had two medical calls and the people in Willard weren't even able to respond because they couldn't get out to go north to the station.
I was excited to leave my test because it was only 1pm on a Saturday and I had the day off. Kennedy sadly wasnt home but I though I get to spend some time with my hubby yay! So I call him on the way home to tell him about my test and hes out working plowing snow. Seriously.
 Jana called me and invited me to go to Idaho with them for some lotto tickets. We headed up to La Tienda and by the time we got back to town Chris was just about on his way home from plowing. We waited for him and headed out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. 

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