Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hair cut, swim lessons, Soccer and storm

Kennedy had been begging me to get her hair cut. She wanted to cut it all off. We made a dual appointment with our hair girl and got it cut!

She was too tired after all this girls day fun!
 She has been doing swimming lessons the month of June as well. Shes in level 3 but ready to move up to level 4.
 Ive been hobbling around with this huge knee. After going to the orthopedic specialist I found out that the bucket handle tear also has a flap on it that is in the joint.. so thats why I cant bend it!
 Ive contstantly had to wear a brace because I have no strength in it. My whole leg down to my foot swells. Ive been trying to stay off it and ice it as much as I can. Thankfully I have surgery coming up to fix it!
Speaking of taking easy this is how Ive been helping Chris do projects lately. Im there for moral support.
 Kennedys been on a complete reading kick since school has gotten out. She has a book in her hands almost at all times.
 I know it sounds dumb that it just my knee injured but it has completely drained me. Ive been exhausted. Nauseous. Tired. Sore. Hurting and miserable. I decided I needed to go back to the gym. I had to try and not do anything with legs.. which is a lot harder than youd think! Even doing some abs I could still feel it in my knee!
 Chris and Parker were playing soccer in the backyard

 Macee wanted to play too

 Then the storm started rolling in
It brought HIGH force winds and crazy huge hail
 The skies turned to cotton candy after
 and there was a crazy constant lightening storm

 My little helper lately carrying my pager and groceries in.
 Shes doing a lot better in swim lessons this year!

 and the slide isnt scary for her anymore either. She loves it.

 First two weeks of swim done!
 I went to pick up K from the sitter the other day. She was standing on the slide, jumping down with the swing under her and swinging over the sprinkler and then jumping off. It such a good thing we live 1/2 a block from the sitter because she was soaked and covered in sand! I made her walk home. She had so much fun though!

 She asked me the other day "mom my eyelashes are getting long.. am I supposed to be trimming them?" I told her NO! You need to let your eyelashes grow long. She asked me if I was sure because theyre almost too long haha
 She comes home from the sitter every day and wants to take a nap on the couch which is great with me!!
Fathers day I got this cute text from Chris with this picture and the caption "Daddy daughter time"
We got a ton of water for irrigation and Kennedy wanted to help. She put on her irrigation boots so she was just like daddy and helped him for hours in the back yard

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